Fiyad, a space for learning and learning – ORH

The Ibero-American Forum for Innovation in Learning and Development FiAD will bring together the most prominent international speakers in corporate training from 1 to 3 June, and their collective knowledge will allow attendees to get to know, actively participate and learn about innovative topics such as applications of neurotraining, the economy of learning, new proposals for gamification, non-learning, And learning in the modern workplace, among other things.

Imagine A space for learning and for learning, FiAD has outfitted itself with a blueprint that allows setting up an agenda for virtual communications for both cross-sectional sessions and parallel spaces for case studies and workshops. Additionally, all of them will be available for on-site consultation while the event is taking place.

Experts from the United States, Mexico, Argentina, China, the United Kingdom, Spain, Chile, Portugal and the Netherlands make up the group of keynote speakers, including:

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Besides them, the structure of FIAD’s agenda includes the holding of parallel sessions through which practical cases such as:

  • Sener, in charge of Jose Luis Alonso Andrino and Eratci Angolo Mata, Professor at Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Head of People Management at SENER, respectively, who will talk about the transition from institutional universities to regulatory educational ecosystems.
  • HP is responsible for Noelle Carrara, HP 3D Knowledge Management Project Manager for Customer Assurance at Capgemini, who will explore virtual reality applications in training and learning.
  • Caixabank, share it Ramon Garcia Espletta, Virtaula Director at Caixabank, who will talk about the evolution of digitization in organizational learning based on the Virtaula experience.
  • Archos Dorados – McDonald’s, presented Pablo Sirlin and Nicholas Uribe PosadaPartner en Business Skills, Human Resources, Learning and Development Senior Corporate Director at Arcos Dorados_McDonald’s Latin America and the Caribbean, respectivamente.
  • To which it will be joined by SEAT, Tecnológico, Sora Segoros, Acredita, D2L, 2Cilindros, BChange, University of Place Pascal, European University, El Bosque University, Tecnológico de Monterrey, etc.

Finally, hands-on workshops will be offered allowing attendees to deepen, for example, color management, playful intelligence, and form. 70-20-10 train ourselves, Netflix-like Sequential Learning, New KPIs to Measure Training Impact, etc.

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