Santiago Sarandon – Universe – UV News System

  • The researcher from the National University of La Plata participated in the first session of the International Symposium: Expanding Agroecology, organized by the University of Veracruzana.
  • The initiative aims to promote dialogue and encourage the exchange of ideas and reflection on experiences
The symposium will be held in the hybrid classroom of the College of Agricultural Sciences

The symposium will be held in the hybrid classroom of the College of Agricultural Sciences

Text: Carlos Hugo Hermida Rosales

Photos: Omar Portela Palacios

03/16/2023, Xalapa, Ver- said Santiago Sarandon, a researcher at the National University of La Plata, Argentina, at the first session of the International Symposium: Expanding Agroecology, organized by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Veracruzana (UV).

Giving a virtual lecture, Santiago Sarandon stated that the need for sustainable agriculture is increasingly evident, a necessity that reduces the use of expensive and hazardous inputs, is environmentally appropriate and socially inclusive.

This means changes in the design and management of agricultural systems at a local and global level, restoring, enhancing and benefiting from the ecological processes provided by agricultural biodiversity and the knowledge associated with it.

The researcher commented that there is no universal recipe for implementing these procedures, so general strategies appropriate to environmental, social and cultural characteristics should be used, such as the practices of local farmers.

“This requires a new focus and approach in agricultural science,” he stressed.

Carlos Cerdan, Director of the College, thanked all the people who support the initiative in different ways

Carlos Cerdan, Director of the College, thanked all the people who support the initiative in different ways

In his virtual intervention, Mateo Meyer y Terán Jimenez Cacho, researcher at the San Cristobal Unit of El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, points out that socio-ecological diversity is the source of agroecological abundance and that this manifests itself in the diverse stories. Crops, farming patterns, marketing networks, genders and even multiple cuisines.

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He emphasized that agro-ecological practices are diverse and exist all over the world, but they are not visible because they are based on peasants and indigenous peoples.

In order for inflation to occur, the multiple crises occurring globally in the agricultural sector, largely generated by corporate systems and their means of intensive production, must be recognized.

Mathieu Mer y Teran noted that the discipline, the importance of participatory research and dialogue processes are crucial in scaling up agroecology.

The first session brought together students, teachers and researchers

The first session brought together students, teachers and researchers

The Center for Tropical Research (Centro de Investigaciones Tropicales) is also co-organizing the international symposium.Citro) and a Master’s Degree in Environmental Management for Sustainability (MGAS), jointly with El Colegio de Veracruz and the National Council of Science and Technology (Consit).

The event aims to promote dialogue and encourage the exchange of ideas and reflection on experiences created in different places to expand the scope of agroecology, in order to move towards more just, healthy and sovereign regions.

In his welcome message, Carlos Roberto Cerdán Cabrera, Director of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, thanked all the people who support the symposium in various ways, which will help clarify the importance of intensifying agroecological practices.

The first session of the International Symposium: Sizing Agroecologies was attended by: Anabel Rosas from Veracruz College. Miguel Escalona Aguilar, Professor of the College of Ultraviolet Agricultural Sciences, as well as researchers, students and the general public.

Categories: science, events, general, main

Tags: abundant agroecology, agrobiodiversity, agroecology, Anabel Rosas, Argentina, Carlos Hugo Hermida Rosales, Carlos Roberto Serdán Cabrera, Center for Tropical Research, Citro, College of Veracruz, Conacete, National Science and Technology Council, Director, Socio-Environmental Diversity, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, El Colegio de Veracruz, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Researcher, La Plata, MA in Environmental Management for Sustainability, Mateo Mer and Terran Jimenez Cacho, MGAS, Omar Portela Palacios, Virtual Conversation, Indigenous People, Santiago Sarandon, International Symposium Agrosystems, San Cristobal Unit, National University

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