Artists demand the continuity of cultural development in Bolivia

March 2, 2021, 1:13 pmLa Paz, March 2 (Prensa Latina) More than 250 agents and cultural…

A meteor flash stunned the United Kingdom

Several cities in Reno UNIDO had a somewhat different monthly ending than usual. February he said…

Science.-Supercomputer Recreation to form a star stream

Madrid 2 (Europe Press) Chinese scientists have reproduced the formation of the newly discovered Cetus stellar…

Out of nowhere, the Wii U is receiving its first firmware update since 2018

about Rodolfo Leon 0 comment 1/03/2021 7:56 PM We are in the middle of 2021; The…

High Voltage Fires For Olympiad | Sports

The women’s national basketball team has already drawn up a shooting plan for the first time…

The National Police controls a rebellion in the Ecuador Prison – Latina prison

In an official statement, the SNAI reported that the coordinated actions of the different teams allowed…

The WTTC asks the UK to proceed with travel

Millions of jobs will be at risk. The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) once again…

Conacyt launched the call for “National Grants and Support” 2021

National Council for Science and Technology (Conaset) Issued to him Advertising the program “Scholarships National Support…

With this application you can “revive” your grandfather, grandfather, or whoever you want

Artificial intelligence and visual computing technology continue to advance. The most recent sample is kept by…

Campaign in Costa Rica to improve conditions in the agricultural sector – Prensa Latina

The initiative in the second activity of occupational accidents in this country, promoted by the Occupational…