Marvel will have big plans for Miracleman

Miracleman will play a bigger role in the Marvel Universe as a wholeWith these words, in cold bleeding feel what Marvel Comics Getting ready after this week’s big reveal: miracle man, the UK-created classic and the focus of one of Alan Moore’s most highly praised works, will finally have new stories following the publisher’s acquisition in 2009.

After what was seen in Space Timeless #1, which was published this week in the US and through digital platforms, the portal adds that Marvel has “more plans than just publishing the finale of the series’ original plans.”

These original plans include At the conclusion of the stage of Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham, who took over from the Miracleman Stories after Alan Moore’s job ended, but was never able to finish his three-part storyline for the character who originally appeared as a clone of Captain Marvel. Or Shazam as it is known today.

In this sense, in Bleeding Cool, they argue that Buckingham “completed four issues of Miracleman written by Neil Gaiman”, which would allow the saga to finish. Miracle: Silver Age. These comics will continue to happen afterwards Miracle: The Golden Age, published by Panini Publishing in Spanish, and what will lead to the conclusion of the planned saga Prodigy: The Dark Ages.

They added, “That’s why Marvel Comics is confident enough to start rerunning the series in 2022, even though Buckingman is busy with the new comedy Fables with Bill Willingham and Neil Gaiman has two TV series, with Sandman and Good Omens.”

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Finally, it will also be under evaluation for performance miracle movie, outside of the Marvel Studios continuity and based on the comics by Alan Moore and artists such as Gary Leach, Alan Davis, Chuck Austin, Rick Fitch and John Tuttlebin. Nothing will be certain at the moment, but they assure they will likely do a review.

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