Colima volcano remains unchanged in its internal seismic activity – suspension

The University Center for Volcanic Studies (CUEV) from Colima University In his latest bulletin, he states that during the past week, seismic activity was recorded in Colima volcano Manually, 14 high frequency events (HFs)And the 7 landslides s 3 minutes of low amplitude tremor.

According to the bulletin prepared by him RESCO-CUEV- College of Science, Colima UniversityIn the past week, steam and gas emissions from the northeast side of the crater have continued intermittently, although fumaroles have also been observed in the western part.

The document indicates that the fixed thermal camera is located north of Colima volcano There were no thermal abnormalities associated with intermittent fumarole activity. The system did not notice any thermal anomalies. Mirova.

According to the specialists UdeC, The The volcano remains above the base level with its internal seismic activity And jerk slides of low amplitude.

In addition, the statement states, an increase in steam and gas production has been observed from northeast fumarole, and low to medium intensity explosions and the growth of a new lava dome are possible.

Staff responsible for monitoring volcano He is alert to potential changes that can occur and to the development of activity.

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