Xavier Arreaga leads the victory of the Sounders who are still leaders and are unbeaten

The tricolor was the shape. Is that Ecuadorian defender Xavier Areaga scored the first goal This resulted in his team at the Seattle Sounders 2-0 victory over LAFC in the final match of the fifth round of the United States Professional Soccer Championship (MLS).


Ecuador did not request, and did not allow, to change the venue for the Copa America.

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Ariega’s goal, his first of the season, came in the 57th minute of the second half after scoring Great header for a corner kick Who beat Mexican LAFC goalkeeper Pablo Cisenega.

The 1-0 lead changed the pace of the match completelyThe LAFC defense opened up further and in the 73rd minute came the second and last goal by Saunders FC, who also scored with a header and Australian defender Brad Smith, who received a perfect ball from Spanish right defender Alex Rondan.

Victory allowed Sounders FC follow notable and undefeated leaders In the Western Conference with a score of 16 points.

While LAFC slipped to last place in the classification, thirteenth, with only five points, it was the first time since it reached MLS that it was the red lantern of the classification. In this club Ecuadorian Jose Cifuentes and Diego Palacios. In the first start condition and replaced, while Chiqui got into the swing.

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