Work, family and luxury can they be reconciled?

How many times have we not come home after a long day at work, ready to play with our children and find them asleep? How many times have we not wanted to start that sport we love so much and when we get home the remaining strength is, with great difficulty, dinner and sleep?

The boundaries between work, family and our well-being are increasingly blurred. We live in a system that demands our attention, our energy, and our time. How do we achieve balance when we have so many demands?

“We are integral beings: body, soul and spirit, interacting with the same social dynamic, and fulfilling different roles: father, mother, son, collaborator, entrepreneur,” explains Dario Lopez, industrial psychologist, trainer and consultant for management and organizational development. He adds, “The same person, the same individual moves in these different roles, and therefore, the balance that can be maintained is necessary to achieve well-being and act in a functional manner.”

According to him, work is an essential part of life, and it makes it clear that it is not everything in life, but an important part that allows us to bring luxury into the home. The specialist asserts that there is a living dynamic between the family and the fields of work, in which we interact; Therefore, finding a harmonious coexistence of time, energy and presence allows us to lead a balanced life.

family planning. Photo: Pixabay

But how easy is it to find this balance?

Yes you can, it should be clear that there is no perfect reconciliation because humans will always have to deal with factors beyond their control; however, with certain skills and a higher level of awareness, he can intervene in those aspects that he considers relevant to his family and that he controls. To achieve balance, ”says Maria Conchita Figueroa, MBA and corporate coach, Judy and Lecturer.

Where is the health?

In many cases this is the last thing that needs to be addressed. The tendency to go in a hurry, to advance quickly, to walk the stretch of life unconsciously, affects our well-being. It is extremely important to have time to pause, stop or slow down to be aware of the path we are taking, to adjust our well-being on a daily basis.

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We must always take care of our physical, emotional and spiritual health. Give ourselves time, go and listen to health professionals, give ourselves space, pamper ourselves, enjoy the meaning and joy of living life, “he explains.

With the arrival of the epidemic, is this balance affected the most?

For Maria Conchita Figueroa, this was a stage where balance was greatly affected because this virus threatened the four domains: the area of ​​the heart where purpose, motives, emotions and feelings lie; The domain of the mind, where thoughts, beliefs and language are located; The field of the soul, where the values, spirituality, essence of existence, and a deep connection with God reside; And the health field, which is a tangible result of the other fields being in perfect harmony.

The coach stresses that this epidemic has made us look inward and wonder what we have been doing with each of them.

“For example, I was affected by Covid19 in March 2020 (the height of the epidemic), I was very serious and admitting that in those dark moments, I became more aware of my own mortality, which led me to rethink myself in everything that I have built in my four domains. My spirituality and my heart are strong and strong. Nonetheless, it made me realize the way I was taking care of my health up until then and it pushed me to work on changing habits urgently, “he admits.

She tells us that something similar has happened in organizations, the pandemic has made leaders and entrepreneurs implement biosafety protocols very quickly, more effective controls in terms of occupational health and safety, and they have undertaken activities to contain their collaborators emotionally, and some of them have facilitated support from mental health experts in order to help your employees cope. With depression, anxiety and sadness.

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Others provided training and financial guidance for collaborators who were inevitably fired due to changing or downsizing business models, and nearly all of them had to acquire or develop a series of technological tools to ensure continuity of work remotely or by telecommuting. In the blink of an eye we had to adapt to this new way of life. While these new forms are incorporated into the daily routine, it makes sense that there is an initial defect, ”he adds.

What can companies do to help their employees achieve the luck we are talking about?

“The best they can do is spend some time asking, listening and understanding the true needs of their collaborators,” says the expert. She points out that it is good to know the practices of other companies that demonstrate greater maturity in dealing with crises, but these practices are not taken as a single formula for success. The answers about what to do are found in the collaborators themselves. Carrying out opinion impulses, creating spaces for conversation, or taking surveys are useful tools for figuring out what they need.

Psychologist Dario Lopez notes the importance of efficiently implementing a culture of high performance. The organization and its leaders must raise awareness and ensure that the jobs they require of employees can perform in the time allotted to the work. Sometimes there may be a need to invest more hours in the company we work for, but that should not be the rule. On the one hand, companies must provide resources: physical (work environment), psychological (creating forms and spaces to properly communicate in current conditions) and organizational; Information management, objective calibration, etc.; To achieve reconciliation of family – work and luxury.

Timely regulation. Photo: Pixabay

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10 Tips for Approving, From Home, Working with Family and Well-Being:

Dario Lopez:

  1. Give appropriate value to work and other aspects of life.
  2. Increased effectiveness, and space for planning, setting and respecting the agenda
  3. Take responsibility for performances at work, starting with the appropriate measurement of the time it takes to create a product, so that family life is not affected.
  4. Strive to establish profitable business relationships and enrich the family.
  5. Giving the family the amount and type of time, planning recreation and entertainment spaces, and making a decision to be and enjoy the company of my loved ones.

Maria Conchita Figueroa:

  1. You have to train yourself by establishing habits and habits that are practiced with discipline and perseverance in order to devote the appropriate and necessary time to the aspects that matter to one’s life. Luxury will then be the reward for this conscious effort.
  2. Make agreements between family members regarding how each member cooperates with household activities. This is also a way to encourage teamwork and educate yourself on the value of solidarity and responsibility.
  3. The epidemic has turned the home into an office and a classroom, so, in the interest of well-being, it is beneficial to reorganize certain areas of the home so that both activities can be developed simultaneously and with some independence. It is important to respect timelines.
  4. Visualize a family calendar that makes educational activities, business meetings, activities, etc. visible. So everyone is informed, in harmony with managing their time efficiently.
  5. It is good practice for the family to come together at the end of the day and create a space of trust to openly share what happened to them during the day and how this affected them. Just speaking in a safe place, feeling heard and contented, strengthens bonds, relieves tension and helps elevate moods, even if a solution doesn’t appear right away.

Emotional calm. Photo: Pixabay

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