Turned into 50 Natural Science Museums located in Calvario de Toluca

On Tuesday, March 2 the Museum of Natural Sciences located in the Matlasenka Amusement Park, Located in Cerro del Calvario, a protected natural area, it has been a space for knowledge of the ancestors and wisdom of Mexicans for half a century.

Through a statement, the state government stated that this place was opened in 1971, with the aim of promoting the preservation of natural resources; It is a container that shows the geology, biodiversity, insects, and more than 3 thousand Lepidoptera, the almost always-flying holomycetes, known as butterflies.

“It is a space with a rich and rich history that deserves to be talked about and published, as it belongs to the entire public,” as its director, Carlos Hector Torres Tello, put it. Which confirmed that the collection of butterflies was donated by Professor Luis Camarena, a Mexican naturalist, who commissioned the implementation of this museum 50 years ago.

In addition, the mission of the museum is to strengthen the defense of the environment and for this reason, it commented on modernizing the space, offering better museum discourse to visitors, refocusing its purposes and goals, as well as advocating urgent issues such as sustainability and planet care.

The reopening will be announced very soon, as we want to launch space again for this great appeal to the communitySo that the schools, children and families come back and know what we will show them here, “the museum director emphasized.

With the proposal of a new museology and taking into account the focus of the work carried out by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, that museums are places of living, the Museum of Natural Sciences would be ideal for people to enter existing ecosystems and reassess their care through photographic materials, murals and embalming.

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