The US Visa 2021 How to Benefit from the Employment “Boom” in the United States? | Economie

As President of the United States, Joe Biden, It makes immigration procedures more flexible and moves away from the hard line of his predecessor, Donald Trump, the country is going through a phenomenon rarely seen before: more jobs than job seekers..

(The United States is going out in search of workers).

This situation is partially explained, according to expertsBecause public aid to confront the epidemic is much better than an official job.

But how can Colombians contemplating immigrating to the United States take advantage of this situation?

Advocate Advocate Camilo Rincon consulted, An expert in international legal aid, in visa and immigration processes to the United States, who commented that it is clear that the new Biden administration is more kind to immigrants, and this has led to many important changes in the field of immigration. Entry visas to the United States states.

“When talking about the possibility to work in the United States, it is important to keep in mind that there are two different options: the first is visas that allow you to set up your own business in the United States and the second is to work as an employee.”

Rincon explained that in the first case there are L visas, for transfers; E1 for dealers; E2 Investments, or one that President Biden has just revitalized for international entrepreneurs and focuses on visa options to start a company in the United States.

(Appointments to obtain visas to the United States may take until 2022).

“The other option is to go as an employee. The most common visas are H1B, which are visas for workers with specialized knowledge; or H2 visas that are intended for temporary workers and will not necessarily require specialized knowledge.”, Need.

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However, as Portafolio announced last April, visa appointments to the United States could take until 2022.

“The disadvantage is that the embassy for reasons of the epidemic has not been able to open the consulate for about a year, that is, its operations are very limited, and although it has reactivated some departments, the policy is to give priority to the application processes that have made US citizens ask their Colombian relatives. This is an approach. Embassy: Catch up on operations that US citizens or US residents carry out for their family members. “, He is referring to.

For his part, Edgar Polido, from the Latin American offices in the United States, Colombia, He added that it is necessary to specify your profile and need before applying to these visa categories, as this will increase the possibility of approval of the permit, because each one has different characteristics.

“For every case there is a type of visa. This is why following legal advice helps so much that, depending on your motivation and needs, you choose which one to apply to and increase the likelihood that the United States government will issue you a visa,” explains Polido.

Depending These are some of the visa categories that cover the main classifications of nonimmigrant temporary workers:

E-1 Visa: Treaty Traders

An E-1 classification allows a nonimmigrant to enter the United States only to engage in significant international trade in its name (the country with which the United States has a trade and navigation treaty or maintains a qualifying international agreement). Some employees of this person or an eligible organization may also qualify for this designation.

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E-2 Treaty Investor Visa

The E-2 classification allows non-immigrants to be a citizen of a country with a trade and navigation agreement (a country with which the United States has a trade and navigation treaty, or with which the United States maintains a conditional international agreement, or is designated to be a legally eligible country) to the United States when it invests a large sum Of the capital in an American company. Some employees of this person or an eligible organization may also qualify for this designation.

The H-1B2 visa

Specialized occupations related to DoD’s collaborative research and development projects or co-production projects.

The H-1B3 visa

Advertising models with distinct advantages and skills.

The H-1C2 visa

A registered nurse works in an area where there is a shortage of healthcare professionals, as determined by the U.S. Department of Labor.

I visa

Representatives of the foreign press, radio, cinema or other foreign media.

O 1 visa

People with extraordinary abilities in the fields of science, arts, education, business, sports, film or television production.

If you have the right mix of skills, education, and / or work experience, you may be able to live and work permanently in the United States.

Each fiscal year, there are approximately 140,000 immigrant visas for foreigners (and their spouses and children) who intend to migrate based on their job-filling skills. If you have the right mix of skills, education, and / or experience and qualify with other considerations in mind, you may be able to live permanently in the United States. Here is a list of the five immigrant visa preferences (categories) based on employment.

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Some visa preferences require that the applicant obtain an employment offer from a US employer, and this employer will consider your sponsor. For some visa categories, it is necessary that before a U.S. employer can petition USCIS, they must obtain a work certificate approved by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). English). The work certificate from the Ministry of Labor confirms the following:

There aren’t enough American workers available, qualified, and willing to hold the position offered at current pay.

Hiring a foreign worker will not negatively affect the wages and working conditions of American workers with similar jobs.

Within this category are:


This category is intended for people with extraordinary abilities in science, arts, education, business or sports; Distinguished professors or researchers; And executives or persons occupying management positions in multinational companies.


This preference is reserved for professional individuals with university degrees or individuals with exceptional abilities in the arts, sciences, or business.

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