The Science Festival ends with activities across Chile

There were eight days of celebration of science and knowledge, focusing on discovering, touching and admiring the experience of asking questions, celebrating knowledge, understanding technological progress, and experiencing innovation in all its manifestations.

In this edition, the programming presented 300 experiments in different regions, and the conclusion of this weekend included multiple astronomical and oceanographic activities in the north and south, a light show, plays and a festival of experiments in the center, and immersive activities, robotics and keynote talks on artificial intelligence in the south of the country.

Regional dissemination was one of the main challenges in this year’s design and was accomplished in collaboration with universities, organizations and cooperatives, achieving impeccable logistics with infrastructure and themed programs specific to each region. The collaborating partners in 2023 are: Labor Cooperative Rosas Silvestres Limitada, University of Concepcion, O’Higgins University, Encuentros del Futuro Foundation, University of Antofagasta, Universidad Austral de Chile, University of Talca, Saga Diseños Spa, Pontificia Universidad Católica. de Chile, the Spa Ocoa Observatory, the University of San Sebastian, and the Papuan Catholic University of Chile.

According to the information provided by both producers, the broad participation of citizens was greatest in the central region, in cities such as Coquimbo and Valparaiso, in addition to the province of Maipo and the Cordillera, with a total of 66,963 people.

In Arica, Parinacota, Tarapaca, Antofagasta and Atacama, the call was 20,822; in the provinces of Melipilla, Talagante and Chacabuco as well as Santiago, 11,474; In the areas of Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins, Maule and Noble, 12,400; While in Biobío, La Araucanía, Los Ríos, Los Lagos the number was 30,424 people; And in the regions of Aysen del General Carlos Ibañez del Campo, Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica, 3,900.

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The conclusion of the festival included events such as the presentation in Arica of pre-Hispanic Andean dances and their contemporary echoes with anthropologist Andrea Chamorro, who shared the symbolism represented by the costumes traditionally used in the Carnival of the Sun, supporting the male and female dancers and their costumes. In Limachi, an impressive light show made hundreds of participants look up to the sky, and in Maipo, a participatory event inspired thousands of children to imagine innovative solutions to save the planet. In Magallanes, musical group Lyra and lecturer astronomer Yara Jaffe provided a fascinating perspective on Earth’s position in the universe and the distances between galaxies.

The 2023 Science Festival, with the slogan “Discover the science in you” was established as an invitation to all citizens to embrace the reality of the presence of science in our daily lives, as a true festival of knowledge and research, reaching all parts of Chile and something that the authorities undoubtedly hope to replicate in the next editions.

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