Scientific societies reject “excessive” measures against 31 scientists

14 . boards Scientific Societies from Mexico, of between it Association of Infection and Clinical Microbiology, The Mexican Sports Association, The Mexican Society of Developmental Biology, The Mexican Society of Biochemistry and the Mexican Society of Biotechnology and BioengineeringExpressing their “deep dissatisfaction with the country’s academic and scientific community due to the excessive accusations and actions taken against the researchers(s) and former officials(s) in the CONASET And from Consulting, Scientific and Technological Forum“.

Through a letter addressed to the public, the signatories point out their confusion and assert that these accusations and excessive actions were committed “without mediating the presumption of innocence and without respecting the rules of due process, and for this reason were rejected by the Authorization“.

Read also: Before the accusation, it is necessary to show the evidence: the Academy of Sciences of Latin America, according to the case of the 31 scientists

The signatories assert that the two institutions, in which 31 people worked professionally, never stopped the scrutiny of officials in public office secretary, as well as in the audits of its previous exercise of the budget Minister of FinanceAnd that they “acted in accordance with the applicable legal frameworks, without making any observations on the origin and management of resources from the treasury.”

Charter of Scientific Societies.

In the message also signed by Mexican Society of Physiological Sciences, The Mexican Society of Immunology, The Mexican Society for Operations Research, The Mexican Society of Soil Sciences, The Mexican Society of Proteomics, The Morelos Academy of Sciences, The Baja California Academy of Sciences And Biologists Jalisco Chartered, rejects the grievance of the federal government to the Mexican academic community.

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We are concerned about this damage that is causing division and a poor perception in society about the work we are doing for the good of our country. The government must rely on a strong academic community with broad national and international recognition, not forgetting that it is an indispensable engine for the advancement of education, science and development in Mexico.”

They also noted that the advancement of Mexico requires a unified and strong scientific community, but it is also a requirement that science, technology and innovation are valued and recognized. “We want to continue to work with the State and the Council, in order to pay for the costs of building a country with better levels of development more effectively, for the future of Mexico and with the deep conviction of the need to end corruption and injustice.”


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