SAT unblocks Alsea – Noticias en la Mira con Lourdes Mendoza accounts

Alsea reports that the Department for Tax Administration (SAT) filed the forfeiture on its bank accounts, so it was released in full.

Through a statement sent to the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), the restaurant and cafeteria operator said that with this survey, the authority complies with the order issued by Federal Court of Administrative Justice (TFJA).

In June, Alsea reported that the ban occurred after a SAT ruling against the company and confirmation of credits set for 3,881 million pesos for income in goods derived from the purchase of a division. Vips restaurants to Walmart de México, in 2014.

Read also: Alsea confirms SAT takeover of its bank accounts

For this reason, Alsea filed a substantive decision lawsuit before the Transitional Federal Court without being obligated to guarantee the tax credit in terms of the provisions regulating the said lawsuit.

The company concluded that “the company will continue the legal proceedings it has initiated, taking advantage of the defenses permitted by the laws.”

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