Russia accuses Ukrainian forces of using chemical weapons in the Zaporizhia region

Madrid, 20 (European press)

The Russian Defense Ministry accused the Ukrainian armed forces of using chemical weapons during an alleged attack carried out in late July in the Zaporizhia region, the epicenter of fierce fighting in recent weeks.

The events denounced by Moscow were to take place in the Vasilievka region. After the attack, doctors found traces of a neurotoxin in several evacuees with serious injuries, according to the Russian version compiled by the Interfax news agency.

The Russian government, which announced that it would pass the evidence to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), stated that the “regime” of Volodymyr Zelensky is resorting to “chemical terrorism” in the face of its “military defeats”. on the earth.

On the other hand, the spokesman of the Russian army, Igor Konashenkov, announced the opening of an investigation into the alleged chemical poisoning of a military command in the Kherson region of eastern Ukraine, according to TASS.

The use of chemical weapons has been a recurring fear since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine in February, with no official evidence that Ukrainian forces have resorted to them in the context of this conflict.

Ukraine bears the influence on alcohol consumption
Ukraine’s presidential adviser, Migyl Podolak, denied the Russian accusations this afternoon, blaming alcohol for the army’s poisoning.

“Obviously, excessive consumption of cheap and unlicensed alcohol at 40 degrees, along with expired dry rations for the Russian army, can have unforeseen consequences,” he confirmed on his Telegram channel with a message declaring his bewilderment. in accusations.

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“It seems that these people are still living in the early 1990s and getting their interpretations exclusively from regional tabloids at the time,” he said.

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