Morelos Public Prosecutor’s Office begins training in forensic medicine and legal anatomy

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The head of the FGE in Morelos, Uriel Carmona, reports that the practices are beginning to obtain international certification in forensic matters

Head of the State Public Prosecution)FGE) From Morelos, Uriel Carmona, I mentioned that it was supported by specialists from the International Criminal Investigative Training and Assistance Program (IFPA).ICITAP), Forensic Medicine staff began training periods to obtain international certification in forensic matters.

Beginning Monday, ICITAP Medical Advisors have started a specialized training course – a forensic medicine / forensic medical autopsy workshop, in which 17 physicians and 35 forensic assistants participate and will have hands-on activities throughout the week.

This is the second scheduled four-person training package, the purpose of which is to ensure the competence of all those performing statutory medical autopsies.

This allows for qualified personnel to use methods and procedures developed by internationally recognized technical organizations.

In addition to ensuring the availability of tools, tools and equipment in order to implement them properly for better forensic practice.

The Attorney General of Morelos indicated that the training allows obtaining a knowledge tool that will give scientific technical certainty, to obtain an international certificate, in accordance with the provisions of the ISO / IEC 17020 quality standard, thus responding to the litigation requirements. And the accusatory criminal justice system.

He stressed that work has been done to transform the organization, enhance staff capabilities, and maintain sophisticated sponsorship schemes that emphasize the investigations it is leading. Public Prosecution In the entity.

He stressed that the strengthening of the Institute of Forensic Sciences of the Office of the Prosecutor provides reliability in the work that has been developed and the standardization of standards applied throughout the national territory, which is possible through the support, monitoring and validation of ICITAP professionals.

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