James Webb reveals two stunning new images of Jupiter

space telescope James Webb (JWST) Showcasing two surprisingly accurate new photos of Jupiterwhich show giant storms and strong winds and provide scientists with additional clues about the inner life of this planet.

And NASA celebrated the quality of the details, which was not expected to be “very good,” according to Eimke de Pater, professor emeritus at the University of California and co-director of observations.

The released images allow us to see the extension of the aurora to high altitudes over the North and South Poles Jupiter. These images come from the Near Infrared Camera (NIRcam), which has three infrared filters.

Photo: EFE/Nasa/esa/csa

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Since infrared light is not visible to the human eye, this light has been assigned to the visible spectrum. Longer wavelengths tend to appear redder and shorter wavelengths bluer.

In this footage, the “Great Red Spot” is clearly seen, a sandstorm, according to Container It’s so big it “could swallow the earth,” and this time it looks white because it reflects so much sunlight.

Webb scientist Heidi Hamill notes in the statement that the brightness is a sign of high altitude, so this large spot has “high altitude fog.”

The rings of Jupiter, “a million times weaker than the planet,” according to the observation, and two small moons called Amalthea and Adrastea can also be seen in the images.

Photo: EFE/Nasa/esa/csa

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The researchers have already begun to analyze the incoming data, which does not arrive on Earth in an organized package, but must be translated into images.

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The latter two have been addressed by Judy Schmidt, who has collaborated with Ricardo Hueso on one displays of the planet’s small satellites, and whose research at the University of the Basque Country deals with the study of the planet’s atmosphere.

The James Webb Space Telescope is a joint mission of NASA with the European (ESA) and Canadian (CSA) agencies and was launched in December last year.

It is the largest ever sent into space, provides an unprecedented view of the universe at near-infrared, mid-infrared and infrared wavelengths, and will make it possible to study a variety of celestial bodies, from neighboring galaxies to the most. far in the universe.

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