Inequality: VIP and Premium Vaccines and the Rest

In recent months, various Argentine celebrities (or “commoners”) have traveled to Miami to receive the vaccination. Meanwhile, in Argentina as well, we’ve had episodes of impregnated “VIPs” and something that doesn’t end at the moment: a lack Vaccines.

How did you come up with the impregnated “VIP” topic? In the political sphere, the resignation of Guinness Gonzalez Garcia and a blow to the image of Alberto Fernandez. In mathematics, practically a variable we can dispense with: the pollinator VIPs They are not a great number of people. But in the social sphere, it showed that there is a select group, a class, that the government protects and claims to protect everyone.

Although there has been a high refusal of vaccination by some officials, this may be justified and even beneficial to society. However, there is absolutely no person other than the state official, such as the family of a trade unionist and himself, or a former official and company.

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The government monopolized them: VIPs. Something in our country – and in all – exists. What is the difference? In America, Bill Gates is considered a big-ticket, super-rich, but we can justify his success (even if we discuss inequality Born). In Argentina, it is different that important figures are political or linked to the political world – which is not the same as the political world -. How can you live in a society where the politicians who must govern are part of another social class, perhaps the highest?

There has always been talk of “judicial class” occurring in most parts of the world. The United Kingdom is a prime example, judges have a privilege and in our country too, despite the use of privileges for unethical and unethical behavior (corruption). After this Impregnated VIPs We can talk about a “political class” that thinks, above all, that, due to its election through elections, it is the will of the people, the vote, the common thread, because Argentina is far from having strong institutions and poverty is a common occurrence.

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I’m not done yet, let’s go back to the start. Miami and the vaccinations. Privileges? Well, it’s clearly a privilege that a large portion of society has to wait for getting vaccinated. Because they are privileged, they should not be discredited, nor is the reason for this article, but I want to focus on how the egalitarian government has demonstrated its impotence. In Argentina today there are three types of citizens: those who are vaccinated through another door (VIP), those who travel to Miami and who are waiting in line, unless they have already been vaccinated. The first was chosen by the government, and the second and third show a social problem that appears in all countries: those who can and those who cannot.

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I repeat, this article does not seek to demonize a social class, but how does the government contribute nothing when it says its main goal: equality. In Colombia, the government has attempted tax reform to expand state coffers and counter indebtedness. This could not be done through the semblance of society, since some points of reform pointed to the middle class.

Most Latin American countries tax the middle class – Argentina is a prime example. If we expand the socio-economic relationship of “classes”, then I dare say that the VIPs are the best economically, then the “distinguished” and finally “the rest”. I say comfort because despite it being the majority of the population, it is a very heterogeneous group. Therefore, “solidarity” should be the strongest and not “the rest” as is the case here and was tried in Colombia.

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Coronavirus was a “negative equator” with no distinction between social class. The virus has sickened and killed many of the rich and poor. But it also increased inequality The pre-existing economic conditions, that is, those who have the least are those who suffer the most. The position of the Argentine government, in the face of the problem, was to apply a wealth tax to the upper classes and ridiculous social aid for the lower classes. The middle classes have some other help, like zero-interest loans or ATP. Was it useless? Yes, firstly because the wealth tax is designed for issues that – in addition to other points – have nothing to do with the damages of the epidemic. Second, social assistance is unproductive because of how it is designed and that is why we see social movements – Persico and Graboa – that are starting to criticize (the government) asking for job creation. Third, the middle classes had to pay “lower” costs to obtain benefits, such as being prevented from purchasing foreign currency.

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In Argentina it is amended against the middle class, and the lower classes are entertained with a lollipop while the upper classes are protected by being allowed to pay taxes in installments. The government, which I insist on, claims to fight for equality, it is the same government that is exacerbating inequality. This is why 2020 is closed with 42% of the poor because of how poverty is measured here – through consumption of the “basic basket” -. But how can we contradict the story? Niccol Machiavelli, a genius of political teaching, taught that when one has such a virtue, one must pretend to possess it. The problem is that if the government continues down this path, the rest will rise, rebellion will occur and the social cost will be very high. The answer is thoughtful reform targeting those who owe it to themselves.

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