Do you know how many meteors fall to Earth every day?

Objects to fall to the ground are very common. Photo: quartoscorro

Every year, thousands of astronomical objects, including meteorites, space debris and other objects enter the Earth’s atmosphere without us noticing, however, other things, such as Chinese missile, Are constantly monitored to avoid any disaster.

Researchers say that falling objects to the ground is very common. For example, according to NASAAsteroids are small rock fragments in our solar system known as meteors when they break apart and enter Earth. It descends from space at 40 kilometers per second and becomes visible when it passes through the atmosphere and the friction with the air causes it to glow.

How many meteors fall to Earth daily?

“All the time. In fact, anyone, anywhere on Earth, can see between five and 15 meteors per hour, depending on the time, day, and time of year.” Says researcher Guadalupe Cordero Tercero, from the Department of Space Sciences at the Institute of Geophysics at UNAM.

The reason we don’t see them is because the sunlight is more intense during the day and in the nightlight and air pollution prevents us from liking them.

It is estimated that 40,000 tons of material from asteroid origin fall to Earth every year.

Is there a weight estimate for the number of meteorites that fall to Earth every day? The UNAM expert explains: “If we do the conversion, if we consider that a trailer weighs about 38 tons, then the equivalent of the mass of three trailers falling to the ground every day, if we collect the things that fall on the entire planet.”

Where do these things go?

The fate of meteors that fall to the ground, as well as objects that fall from space or garbage is uncertain, and some collapses in forests, plains and swamps, most of which are in the oceans, we must not forget that three quarters of the Earth is made up of water, and then perhaps most of it falls in the oceans.

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Become aware

For several years, NASA has been on alert, along with the governments of many countries, to avoid any potential disaster. Then, near-Earth asteroids are tracked, their possible orbits are mapped, and their potential danger assessed.

Although the odds of an unexpectedly large meteor colliding with our planet are slim, at least in the coming years, the truth is that as long as the “small” problem is not zero, it is best to continue studying it, “recommends an UNAM expert.

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