Box Day: A special celebration that originated in the UK

the December 26 the Boxing Day or Boxing Day, Mainly in the United Kingdom, a history of promoting Gift donation Low income people who do not have access to one during the Christmas season.

This holiday is held in many European countries and overlaps with another celebration that takes place on this day in countries such as Germany: the so-called second day of Christmas, with certain traditions and customs on that day.

The origin of this festival goes back to the Middle Ages where various families and priests handed out Christmas boxes and baskets to people on low incomes or even to servants. In the UK, it was a custom for merchants to turn over these boxes Thanks to her workers.

This day is a public holiday in the following countries: Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland and Romania Sweden, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom and Cyprus. It is celebrated in Spain in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands.

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland it is considered a bank holiday. Made Friendly sporting events For football and rugby league in England. The most anticipated matches of the day are Llanelli vs London Welsh and Leicester vs Barbarians.

Likewise, there are other events that occur on this day, although they are less appreciated. Races in the English Channel are held by swimmers, as well as charity meetings to raise funds.

Many families gather for lunch on the same Christmas and Christmas Eve menu, including baked ham, brandy fruit pies, and Christmas cake. On this day, they are made Sales in many shopping centers.

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The spirit of Boxing Day or Boxing Day is to share and help those who have little, in times that can be very lonely for many people, especially in the context of a pandemic.

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