Ben Barnes, sensual actor from Sombra y Hueso who was about to participate in Eurovision

Known for starring in movies like “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian”Where he played Caspian O. West World, the actor Ben Barnes Win again by playing General Kerrigan in the new series ‘Shadow and the Bones’, Was released on Netflix on April 23.

The general Kerrigan, The Dark One, is able to summon evil magical powers to satisfy his ambition and his desire for revenge. Plus, he has undeniable charisma, with Seductive air Hypnotic, we are not at all surprised that his appearance in the series caused a sensation.

In a recent interview with Across the state The actor said that if he had to choose another role in the series, he would have chosen a character from a band ‘Crows’, Gang of criminals.

Ben Barnes was also a villain in the series ‘Punisher’. play Billy Russo, A martial arts expert who was part of the same military unit of the protagonist, Frank Castle, his enemy.

Bin is a son Parents are psychiatrists. Growing up in South London, he made his first contact with theater as a teenager, knowing that he wanted to be an actor. One of the first roles he played in the theater was he Don Juan, From the hit play Don Juan Tenorio.

His career as a musician and his “semi” appearance on Eurovision

Among Ben Barnes’ other great passions is music. In 2014 he was shot Jackie Way Ryan Romantic movie in which he plays the Basker.

His Instagram account is full of videos that Play the piano and sing The covers of musicians and other bands, from The Beatles to Nat King Cole and Bob Dylan.

His passion for music is such that he has become a part of it Highrise, A group competing with it to go to the festival on behalf of the United Kingdom Eurovision in 2004.

The group was introduced to “Making Your Mind Up,” a program on the BBC that was a pre-selection for the festival. The group tried it with the song ‘Leading Me On’, but they finally got it # 2. However, that was an experience for Ben He did not finish convincing him.

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