Analysts expect the dollar to trade at an average of $ 3,737 this week

Analysts expect the dollar to trade at an average of $ 3,737 this week, due to protests in recent days that may continue if a consensus is not reached.

For the time being, the domestic factor will remain the main source of domestic asset volatility. However, the commencement of reconciliation meetings between the government and unions highlights, in addition to the known progress regarding the new tax reform, which will be addressed in the coming days, said Gabriel Fernando Granados, financial analyst at Fedoprivisura.

A barrel of WTI crude oil is expected to stand at $ 64.82, as “Oil prices may continue to have a positive second week in a row, but it does not excite energy traders. The short-term outlook for oil remains very mixed,” said Edward Moya. Oanda, chief analyst, said the COVID-19 situation in India may near its peak, with at least 20,000 cases per day.

Regarding the Euro, the currency will reach $ 4,528 due to the potential European recovery, easing of restrictive measures and progress. In the vaccination plan.

Colcap will touch 1,295 points, having recovered thanks to comments from new Finance Minister Jose Manuel Restrepo, who has suggested working to maintain the investment grade rating.

Analysts and investors believe that the index and the Colombian Stock Exchange (BVC) have already reached the bottom and there will not be another sharp drop in the near future.

CPI data for Germany, Brazil, China and the United States will be released this week. In addition, monetary policy meetings will be held in Chile and Mexico.

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Industrial production figures for Colombia, the United States, the Eurozone, Mexico and the United Kingdom will also be published, as well as retail sales in Colombia and first-quarter GDP for the United Kingdom and the country.

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