July 31, 2021 05:48 GMT
At the summit of the second anniversary of the founding of the Puebla Group, the Argentine president stressed that the forum is no longer a “meeting” for Latin American countries.
Organization of American States (OAS) “As It Is, It Doesn’t Work”, announce Last Friday, the President of Argentina, Alberto Fernandez, during his speech at the virtual summit of the second anniversary of the Puebla Group. He stated that while Donald Trump was in power in the United States, it became the main regional forum for dialogue”Kind of gendarmerieFrom the North American Country to ‘Advances in People’s Governments in Latin America’.
Fernandez pointed out that The former US president “imposed his policy” on the countries of the region, creating mechanisms that served neither “the unity of Latin America, nor the development or progress of Latin America,” but rather the interests of the United States. “And that explains many things that have happened: that explains the Organization of American States that we have, the Islamic Development Bank [Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo] That we have, the division that we have, the birth of the Lima Group, the Prosor Forum.”
Referring to the coup in Bolivia, he noted that the organization’s actions in that country in latin americaIt is necessary to investigate And they must necessarily be judged, because there is now no doubt about what happened.”
The OAS is “a place that separates us”

According to the Argentine president, the OAS is no longer a “meeting place for Latin America”. “It is no longer the place that calls usIt’s a place that separates us. “We differ only in this area,” he added. In addition, he emphasized that “the first one who has to make up his mind is his Secretary General, Luis Almagro, on the amount of things he has done” and “American institutions”. For being suggested and supporting a man like Almagro.”
“Latin America has a sad stigma, we are the world’s most unequal continent,” Fernandez explained, adding that “The policies of recent years have only deepened inequalityAnd the pandemic has left it clearer.
“The blockade should embarrass those who promote it.”
Nor did the president lose sight of an issue closing. “There are societies, in Latin America too Suffering from economic hurdles in the midst of the epidemicHe added that this does not affect the government much, but rather the society.
He declared that “the blockade should disgrace those who promote it,” and urged the region to “rise up against the siege,” as it “has a moral obligation, and a moral duty to do so.” “We are going around the world making it clear to Europe and the United States that the blockade has been launched It was uselessHe emphasized that “the best way is not to interfere with governments, but to allow governments to choose the people.”
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