Aina wins management of 11 airports in Brazil for 780 million | Economie

Last Thursday, Aina was awarded the management of 11 airports in Brazil, including Congonhas São Paulo, at a public auction worth 2,450 million Brazilian reais, or about 468 million euros. In addition to this amount, in accordance with the concession regulations, 1,639 million R$ (correspondingly, approximately 312 million euros) must be disbursed as mandatory obligations, the total value of the operation of which is 4,089 million R$, i.e. approximately 780 million euros.

The group of 11 airports recorded a total of 26.8 million passengers in 2019, accounting for 12% of the country’s air traffic that year. Congonhas Airport, which accommodates 22.8 million passengers annually, is the busiest of the group and the second busiest in Brazil. These are the airports of Congonhas, Campo Grande, Uberlândia, Santarém, Marabá, Montes Claros, Carajás, Altamira, Uberaba, Corumbá and Ponta Porã.

The management of these eleven airports entails a commitment to pay a variable consideration with a grace period of four years, consisting of a percentage of gross income increasing from 3.23% to 16.15% per annum. According to the planning and studies made on the necessary investments, it is expected to invest approximately R$ 5,000 million (fixed 2020 prices), of which 73% are expected to be implemented in the first phase of the concession, that is, until 2028.

Franchise for 30 years

The contract is scheduled to be signed in February 2023 and the term of the concession is 30 years, with the possibility of another five years, demonstrating Aena’s long-term commitment to Brazil. This is the largest international operation carried out to date by the Spanish airport operator, 51% owned by the state.

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Aena Brasil already operates 100% of six airports in the Northeast region. You will now operate a network of 17 airports in Brazil and will be the manager of the largest network of licensed airports in the country. The company is also present in the UK, where it operates 51% of London-Luton Airport, and at airports in Mexico, Colombia and Jamaica.

“Despite the difficult times we have been through due to COVID-19 and always prioritizing value creation for public, private and working shareholders, we are convinced that the internationalization of Aena is a guarantee for the future. The potential of Brazil is indisputable. Aena President, Morrissey Lucena, commented in a statement For him, for example, its internal traffic recovered 100%.

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