A dead king, a king beyond: this is how the royal icons of the United Kingdom changed to adapt to Charles III

It has not yet been decided which portrait of Carlos III will be printed on paper money to replace the queen’s portrait

The new anthem “God Save the King” and the first attempts “In the Name of the King” since 1952 have already taken place in London, whose institutions must adjust mailboxes to Royal Navy buttons with a portrait of Elizabeth II.

England’s cricket team welcomed Charles III at the Oval Stadium in south London. They play the series against South Africa this season, and after a minute’s silence in deference to the late Queen for Saturday’s match, the players sang the UK anthem. The folk song “Jerusalem” is their usual song in international competitions, but they, in the emotional current of the royal succession, sang “God Save the King” (God Save the King) under the guidance of soprano Laura Wright. It was the first sports competition in the country at which the revised stanza of the national composition was heard in honor of the new British monarch.

Other adjustments were almost instantaneous. As soon as Elizabeth II died and the highest office in the state passed to her eldest son, the neoconservative executive Liz Truss became “HM’s Government”, elite lawyers ceased to be the “Queen’s Counsel” and her royal licenses to her favorite providers were moved to the mailbox pending date . At London’s Old Bailey Criminal Court, “the first trial in the King’s name since 1952” took place on the ninth, according to William Holmes on the legal checks platform.

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Two distinct abbreviations for two royals, “E II R” (Elizabeth Regina, in Latin, Queen Isabel) and “C III R” (Charles Rex, Carlos Ray), plus a gender change, would force alterations everywhere. In English, the Queen (Queen) initials do not match the king (King), the Crown Office warned when instructing legal experts to urgently update their credentials. The great scholars are now referred to as the KC (King’s Counsellor), rather than the Universal QC until now. “I just changed my email signature from QC to KC. Attorney John Mitchell admitted it was a mundane and insignificant task in itself, but it touches me and affects me personally.”

St Edward’s Crown emblem, painted red on the Royal Mailbox

They are 70 years of age familiar with the portrait of Elizabeth II, with her portrait embedded in coins, banknotes, and stamps, that would be hard to leave behind. “No matter how odd it may be to hear Charles address his new title to King and Prince William to become Duke of Cornwall and Cambridge, these small changes would be contradictory and would make the fashion less common.” , recognizes Professor Pauline McClaran on the portal “The Conversation”.

Carlos will contribute his iconic covenant image and some details have not been revealed. This is the case for the crown you will adopt in your monogram, and is an essential reference point in designing seals, insignia, medals, and other distinctions. He could choose the Tudor crown, which his male ancestors wore, or follow the tradition of his mother, who chose St. Edward.

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Regardless of the royal banner of the new era, adjustments will be necessary in multiple areas. The Guardians of the Tower of London, famous for their Beefeaters, will have to update their uniforms, which have worn the “EIIIR” badge for seven decades. Police officers wear badges in honor of the Queen on their hats, and Royal Navy sailors’ coats include buttons adorned with the late Queen’s icon.

Privatized Royal Mail (British Postal Service) will collaborate with the King on the design of the image that will be printed on the next series of postage stamps. The current collection is based on an Elizabeth II profile originally printed in 1967. It bears the name of the series’ designer, Arnold Machin, and is considered “the world’s most reproduced artwork,” according to McLaren. More than 200,000 million copies in various colors have been published since then.

The British police uniform also has the emblem of Elizabeth II on the helmet.

The portrait of the king to be minted on the next pound and pence coins remains to be revealed. With the restoration of the monarchy in 1660, Carlos II inaugurated the tradition of using the reverse appearance of the former monarch. The Queen looks to the right at an estimated 29 billion national coins in circulation, so her son will appear to the left, if he chooses to follow custom. Royal Mint, which is in charge of production, has not indicated when it will release the “separate change” from the New Testament.

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The same unknown remains the Bank of England, the issuer of sterling notes, although the transition will be long until the money bearing the portrait of Elizabeth II is withdrawn. The dilemma in this case affects about thirty Commonwealth countries, including Canada and Australia, which have the late Queen’s portrait on their currency in cash.

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