Yellow alert for thunderstorms across the UK

After nearly a week of a heat wave, the rain has arrived United kingdom. And they will do it in the form of a storm. The Meteorological Office – Met Office – issued a Yellow alert for thunderstorms Heavy rains can cause flooding in some areas of the country.

The weather warning It covers the entire country and will remain active until the next day Wednesday 17 August. The Bureau of Meteorology has warned that there is a small chance of flood In homes and businesses, which can also suffer from their small size Blackouts and some ruin Because of the cold and wind. They can also access Some trains and buses cancelled And driving on the highway can be complicated.

Yellow alert for floods after a heat wave

According to the Bureau of Meteorology, thunderstorms form when hot air rises rapidly and condenses into water droplets, which can cause high raineven in the form of hail, but very short. After this summer’s heat waves and prolonged drought, experts say, the soil is less able to absorb water, which can lead to flooding.

This was explained by Rob Thompson, a professor at the University of Reading, in a tweet in which he showed, through a video, what the soil was like. Difficulty absorbing water after a heat wave. He added, “Experience around the world has shown what can happen when heavy rain falls after an extremely dry and hot period that warms the Earth. Water cannot be easily submerged, which can quickly turn into flash floods.”

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