WhatsApp on Android: Steps to get the new final design | Sports play

WhatsApp It is a messaging platform that constantly offers updates, and recently the following tools have been launched: Pinned Messages; PIN-protected chats or groups (3rd layer of security); And usernames so you never give out your cell phone number again.

However, not all WhatsApp updates roll out new functionality, They are also responsible for changing or modifying the appearance of the applicationas happened in the Android version.

The green app was moved first from The main facade The Communities, Chats, Status, and Calls tabs have moved from top to bottom; Later, he deleted the third one mentioned and called it “News”, and here you can access the stories and channels.

Look: WhatsApp: Purpose of the “Move Chats” button.

Next, create a shortcut to your account settings, adding your photo icon at the top. If you tap on it, you’ll see shortcuts to your profile and privacy settings, as well as contacts, starred messages, and linked devices. Today, Meta just posted another design, Although this time it is the final method.

Guide to get the final design of WhatsApp on Android

  • Before starting, it is important to mention that at the moment Final design It is only available in The beta version of WhatsApp for Android users.
  • To download the trial program, first go to Google Play Store In the search bar, type the name of the application.WhatsApp“> Access the application and scroll down.
  • Here you will see the option To become a beta tester. If you can’t find it then click Next .
  • Accept the terms and you will have to wait a little while until you start downloading WhatsApp Beta.
  • The next step is to open the demo app (it’s the same).
  • Here you will see that the green bar on the top side has disappeared and the word WhatsApp has also been painted in light green.
  • On the other hand, the pin icon is no longer diagonal, but vertical.
  • The chat bubbles and floating action button have also been painted a light green.
  • Finally, a “cross” icon appears on the keyboard where the options are: “Document,” “Gallery,” “Location,” etc., and swipe the happy face next to the camera.
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Preview the final design of WhatsApp. (Photo: Wapita Info)

This is the difference between the green and blue color tick in WhatsApp

  • To illustrate the previous point, the goal is to create a verified visual identity for all apps in the meta group.
  • On Instagram and Facebook, the badges are blue, and the same will happen on them WhatsApp.
  • This means that the green mark can be removed and the blue mark remains in place.
  • Currently, both represent a verified company or channel account.
  • Here we leave you a picture of the appearance of the blue mark in the trial version of the application.

Did you like this new information about WhatsApp? Did you learn a useful trick? This app is full of new “secrets”, codes, shortcuts and tools that you can keep trying and you will only need to enter the following link for more feedback WhatsApp In Debord, that’s it. what are you waiting for?

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