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It is one of the applications that many like to use to be able to chat with their friends as soon as they register their number on the cell phone. Did you know that you can schedule a message without having to download the Plus version? Just as you read it and here we show it to you. Take note.

To get started, you must download the app WasaviAnd The same Android compatible device that can be found in the store . Once you have it, you have to provide it with the corresponding permissions like prevent it from being in the background, disable power saving mode and access your contacts.

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How to schedule a WhatsApp message

  • when you have Download and grant permissions to WasaviYou will be shown a short video tutorial.
  • Now you just have to Press the “+” button.
  • Then you should click “schedule a message”.
With Wasavi, you can program any text message on WhatsApp, including photos or videos.  (Photo: mag)
With Wasavi, you can program any text message on WhatsApp, including photos or videos. (Photo: mag)
  • Simply then Choose the contact you want to send the message to.
  • Select File Later Shipping day, year and time.
  • Now you must choose whether you Personal account or WhatsApp Business.
Once you grant the permissions to Wasavi, you can choose the date and time you want to send a WhatsApp message.  (Photo: mag)
Once you grant the permissions to Wasavi, you can choose the date and time you want to send a WhatsApp message. (Photo: mag)
  • Once you have completed this step, you just have to write your message.
  • Now just click on Send button.
  • And voila, your WhatsApp message will be scheduled.

The best thing about it is that Wasavi allows you to edit the message as much as you want as long as it hasn’t been sent on WhatsApp yet. So always check all the text before forgetting and sending it on your own.

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Do you have a problem with WhatsApp? Do you need to report it? If you have any kind of problem, write to their contact email: [email protected] or [email protected]. You can also place the same order from your iPhone through the iOS exclusive service.

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