WhatsApp | How to activate bubbles like Facebook Messenger | 2022 | Applications | Smartphones | trick | nda | nnni | sports game

Do you constantly use On a cell phone? This application belonging to Meta brings to its users a variety of functions to facilitate the exchange of words, whether in writing, by video call or calls. Here we introduce you to a novelty: floating bubbles similar to Facebook Messenger.

Currently you can activate not only messages that disappear within 24 hours, but also images and videos that are displayed once. Now it is possible to enable bubbles Much in the style of Facebook Messenger when you receive a message.

Look: WhatsApp: How to see a picture disappear again and download it

How to activate Facebook messaging bubbles in WhatsApp

  • The first thing you should do is download the Notify Bubble app on your cell phone.
  • It should be noted that you can download this directly from .
  • Now, when you open the app, you will need to give it permissions to rank above other apps.
  • You must also give it permission to read your notifications.
  • Once you have accepted everything, you must enter “let’s get started”. Then click “Settings”.
After installing the app, you must give it the corresponding permissions.  (Photo: mag)
After installing the app, you must give it the corresponding permissions. (Photo: mag)
  • There are 4 applications that will be activated. Activate the button called WhatsApp.
  • Now when someone sends you a message, the notification bubble will appear ready to chat.
  • Best of all, you don’t need to open WhatsApp to reply to the message.
  • All you have to do is press the Notify Bubble logo and it will reply automatically.

Do you have any problem with WhatsApp?

If you have any kind of problem with WhatsApp and you need to report it, write to our contact email: [email protected] or [email protected]. You can also place the same order from your iPhone through the iOS exclusive service.

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Now, if you need to make a general query, you can fill out the form with this . There you just need to enter your phone number, as well as your area code, then type your message after making your identification.

How to blur the background of a WhatsApp video call

  • The first thing you should do is log into WhatsApp.
  • Then make a WhatsApp video call.
  • At that time you should lower the notification bar.

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