What are the requirements to work in the UK after Brexit

Known as Brexit Official exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union (European Union), became official on January 1. from now on , Spaniards who want to travel to the United Kingdom Spending more than three months there is required to apply for a residence or work permit. In this article, we’ll show you how to get and prove the right to work in the UK after Brexit. If you think the problem is complicated, you can always call Immigration experts He will help you with all the questions you have.

First of all, you need to take into account that it will be Different For those European Union citizens who arrived and applied for a job before December 31, 2020 And those citizens who They came later December 31, 2020. On the other hand, the Irish citizens They would retain their rights to enter, live and work freely in the UK, so they would not need permits of any kind for such matters.

European Union citizens who arrived in the UK before December 31, 2020

If you are a citizen of the European Union, European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. And if you arrived in the UK before December 31, 2020, you can still apply for Stable position (European Union Settlement Scheme) Until June 30, 2021. European citizens must apply for this Status Regardless of how long they have lived in the UK, and the documents they have that prove their residency to date. To interview the Requirements Eligibility, you must have started She lives in the UK Before December 31, 2020, unless you join A family member is already undergoing an EU settlement program, having requested Stabilizes a Pre-settlement status Or, it meets requirements and requires it before June 30, 2021.

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Once you apply for Stable position, And you are accepted, you will be registered in the name European citizen With settled or previously settled status in the UK. The status you get will depend on how long you were in the UK at the time of your application. When you are granted settled or prepaid status, you will be able to:

  • for work in the UK
  • Benefit from NHS Free.
  • Attach to Education Or study in the UK.
  • Access to Public funds, Such as benefits and pensions, if you are entitled to them.
  • for travel Inside and outside the UK.

you may Get started before applying, But you must submit it before the deadline of June 30, 2021. If you submitted the application before June 30, 2021, however Your request has not been resolved, The employer will be able to contact Ministry of Interior (Home office) To confirm that you have submitted a valid application, and then you can start working. Keep in mind, however, that If you did not submit the request before the date Limit, You may lose your current rights in the UK, Including the right to live, work, rent, and receive health care free of charge.

Until June 30th From 2021 you can Proof of your right to work in the UK Using your passport a National identity document. After this date, you will have to use your case to prove your right to work. You can do this with a file Right to work service (Right to work service) Online.

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Citizens of the European Union, European Economic Area or Switzerland who arrived in the United Kingdom after December 31, 2020

If your arrival date is after December 31, 2020, you can only order Stable position (I Settlement scheme) Until June 30, 2021, in certain exceptional circumstances. Otherwise, you will have to order Visa Based on UK immigration system, which gives you permission to live and work in the country. If you are a European citizen and wish to work in the UK, and you did not apply for your settled or settled status in advance before 1 January 2021, you will need to apply for a visa before coming to the UK except in certain circumstances. Visa in the name skilled worker (Highly skilled worker) It might be an option if you find yourself in this position. In order to qualify for Highly qualified worker visa You will need:

  • a Job offer From an employer who can sponsor your visa application.
  • The job offer must contain The appropriate level of qualifications and salary.
  • You must be able speak in English.

Although the highly skilled worker visa is ideal for People who want to work in the UK (With a job offer already in your possession), there are many other ways Obtain permission to work in the United Kingdom. These could be, among other things, a Corporate transfer visa, a Family visa Or the Global Talent visa.

How can I get information and advice for working in the UK

The The attorneys at Masaud Solicitors are experts in immigration matters, And helped thousands of satisfied clients choose the right immigration route. If you have any questions, their team will be happy to assist you Choose the right visa to work in the United Kingdom.

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por la abogada española Elena Frades.

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