viral video | Abandoned by his parents at birth due to a strange facial syndrome | Youtube | United Kingdom | stories | nnda nnrt | stories

when jonathanJunoLancaster was born, and his parents could not bear the shock of seeing the face of their newborn. Clueless that he suffers from Treacher Collins Syndrome and only 36 hours after coming into the world, he was abandoned by his parents. Since then, her life has been a constant challenge, but when His story became known to millions They adopted it as an example of survival in the face of daily adversity.

“My parents panicked at my appearance…they left 36 hours after I was born”He said ‘Juno‘ to BBCbut What is Treacher Collins syndrome? Science shows that it is a rare condition that affects the development of facial bones and tissues.

“They have underdeveloped facial bones, especially the cheekbones, and the jaw and chin are very small.”explain it Mayo Clinic to the British series.

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Jonathan He is neither shy nor shy about speaking frankly about his illness: “I call them my Bart Simpson ears. I don’t have cheekbones, so my eyes look the same.”. His condition has not been a hindrance to finding love in Jane, with whom he lives with other children with disabilities West YorkshireAnd United kingdom.

He remakes his life after being abandoned

when it was abandoned, It took five years toJunoadoptedHe keeps fond memories of that phase of his life, which was also marked by his struggle for his appearance: “I have great memories, but behind those moments I was doing everything I could to fit in. The older kids lowered their eyes and cheered about me.”.

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But, as he grew up with the people in his community, he realized that personal relationships weren’t good for him, so he started hating his own face, A feeling mixed with anger towards his natural parents, and aggravated when a letter reached him.

It was a response from the couple who brought him into the world: Two weeks later we received a letter saying: We don’t want any contact. Subsequent attempts will be ignored. They both signed it. To be rejected by these people is, once again, painful.”exposed.

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After this bitter swallow, something changed his life: Two children ran up and said: Juno, can you show us your hearing aids? Juno, I live with my grandparents, “Juno, I don’t know mom or dad,” Juno, I’m being bullied by X, Y, Z… On that playground, I thought, “I need to do more than this””.

This episode inspired him to raise the foundation “Love me, love my face” To raise awareness about people with craniofacial conditions, but also about how the media is addressing this problem: “It’s common for a movie to use someone who’s clearly different and have him play the bad guy; bastards, monsters, evil creatures…have a negative effect”he said to BBC.

In this 202 Jun3, Jonathan revealed he’s releasing a very personal book: “It’s about the heroes I’ve met in my life and how I eventually became my greatest hero. The truth is, my life is filled with so much love and so much adventure.”to rule.

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