US Visa Lottery 2024: Will Colombia Be able to Get Residencies? | Finance | Economie

Recently, on October 5, the US State Department announced the receipt of electronic applications for the program known as Visa Lottery.

(Read: How to apply for scholarships and financial support in Canada).

It’s an alternative where Provides 55,000 permanent legal housing Citizens of countries participating in the competition every year. By 2024 the countries excluded Brazil, Colombia, El SalvadorHaiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Dominican Republic and Venezuela.

Besides, those excluded from the competition were Bangladesh, Canada, China (including Hong Kong), South Korea, the Philippines, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, the United Kingdom (including Ireland), and Vietnam.

The entity’s office explained that the countries that They have sent more than 50,000 immigrants to the United States in the past five years “Excluded from the visa lottery draw.”

(Also: Immigration to the United States?, This event will be to explain the process).

US visa

US visa


However, the regulations for this competition state that citizens of countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States may be eligible to participate.

In these cases, you can apply for residency if you are the wife of a citizen of a country with these characteristics. Orders It can be sent until noon on November 8.

(See: This is how you can make the appointment for a visa application to the United States.)

Annually, between 11 and 12 million contestants from all over the world participate in the visa lottery completely free of charge. You can do through The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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