UK Violates Climate Targets on Eve of COP26

Government United kingdom He did not take the necessary steps to achieve his goals Objectives against him climate change, which, if left untreated, will undermine their leadership in summit from the weather COP26 Which is celebrated in November in Scotland, in an official report released on Thursday, June 24, 2021.

climate change commissionCCC, in English) – an independent body that evaluates the work of government – warns that the executive Boris Johnson She did so little to achieve her goal لتحقيق reduce The emissions harmful from carbon by 68% by 2030 and 78% by 2035, in order to achieve “net zero” in 2050.

Experts who emit about two hundred RecommendationsHe identified several areas in which the UK needs urgent improvement: Transportation; Diet and food heating at home Energy, aviation and peatlands.

Hence, they recommend promoting electric car With tax incentives and bicycle; reduce The consumption from Meat by 20% in 2030 and 35% in 2050; replace The heaters subordinate houses by heat pumps in 2028; brakes The a plus from Flight, and restore degraded peatlands so that they do not emit polluting gases.

At the same time, the CCC says that the government should strengthen يجب green jobs; Adaptation of all legislation, especially legislation urban planning, for a net goal of zero; strengthening Bell from Citizen awareness As the annual chair of COP26, he urged rich nations to live up to their commitments made a decade ago to provide a total of $100 billion annually to developing nations to combat the devastating effects of climate.

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The committee’s executive director, Chris Stark, stated that Johnson’s goals for Climate Summit from HIM-HER-IT It is “commendable” but will not be achieved by “magic”, and he said he was “very concerned about the gap between promises and deeds”.

President John Deben urged the government to publish a strategy “as soon as possible” to achieve the goal net zero in 2050, accompanied by obligations Finance, without which “it would be very difficult for COP26 to be successful”.

In response to the report, a spokesperson for the Executive, who said it would publish it strategy Against climate change in the fall, he denied that it is “slow to deliver on its promises.” He also emphasized that the UK “has reduced its emissions by 44% in the past three decades, the fastest rate of any other country in the world. G7 (more advanced economies)”.

Several environmental organizations have also criticized the government’s apparent inaction. Doug Bar from Greenpeace UK, noted that “time is running out” for Conservatives to show “real leadership” in the face of the United Nations climate change conference, to be held from November 1-12 in Glasgow.

For its part, Friends of the Earth stressed that “without a detailed strategy to combat the climate crisis, government promises to decarbonize the economy are just hollow words.”

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Posted by trade On Tuesday 1 June 2021

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