UK tightens sanctions against illegal immigrants

The UK is preparing to increase Six months to four years Jail for immigrants who try Entering illegally In the country, amid record access across the English Channel.

He also wants to raise from 14 years in prison to life sentence Maximum penalty applicable to who help or ship To cross these immigrants secretly from the European continent.

The changes announced by the Home Office will be included in a project to reform the asylum system that arrives in the British Parliament this week in the midst of a pickup in the arrival of illegal immigrants, AFP reported.

System bypass

In the first half of 2021, the United Kingdom beat a immigrant record They arrived in small boats across the English Channel that separates the island of Great Britain from the European continent.

Nearly 6,000 migrants crossed the canal illegally between January and June and 8,417 registered in each year 2020.

The conservative government in March proposed reforming the asylum system – which it deemed “overburdened” – to prioritize those arriving in the country legally.

According to the Home Office, migrants crossing the English Channel must seek asylum in advance in the EU countries they cross, but “go shopping” by “choosing the UK as a preferred destination over others, using illegal routes to reach to take, to possess”.

Steve Valdez Symonds, head of Amnesty International UK, accused the government of “deliberately spreading myths and lies about asylum and immigration” and demanded that it create “safe routes” for these people.

European population سكان

The incumbent Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been a staunch advocate of brexis, The break with the European Union was based in part on anti-immigration and, at times, xenophobic arguments. After the divorce with the block and its re-certification at the polls, the Prime Minister maintained a firm speech in favor of limited access of immigrants and refugees.

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Meanwhile, more than six million applications for post-Brexit residency were submitted by EU citizens residing in the UK at the end of 2020, of which 5.1 million were approved, according to the British government.

The British executive promised EU citizens that they would retain their full rights to live, work and receive social benefits after Brexit if they resided in the country before December 31, 2020 and applied before June 30, 2021.

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