UK raises age rating for ‘Mary Poppins’ over discriminatory, racist language

So far the movie has been U classificationWhich means there is no substance that could be harmful. The new classification has affected Movie version From the popular movie but the rest of the home entertainment releases are still in U, According to the BBFC.

Change category

This change in category is due to a term being rated as offensive. My brotherA group of people who were among the first inhabitants of South Africa.

Mary Poppins and the children she cares for have their faces blackened by soot.

The term was used in the movie by the character Admiral Boom. This refers to My brother like “Hottentot”, The name he adopted Dutch settlers. He refers to the children in the movie when their faces are It turned black Because of the soot and people not showing up on screen.

Based on research conducted on Discrimination and racismThe BBFC considered that parents were concerned about “the potential for children to be exposed to a discriminatory language or behaviour “They may find it hurtful or inadvertently repeat it,” a BBFC source told the BBC. Daily Mail.

About the movie

Played in the film by Julie Andrews, Mary Poppins She is a fictional character created by P. L. Travers. The film tells the story of a babysitterwho arrives with an umbrella, aided by the wind, at the family home in London. While looking after the young, it is revealed that Magical powers And here the adventures begin.

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