UK: Labor MP resigns after being accused of ‘serious’ incidents of a sexual nature

British Labor MP Christian Matheson Presented this Friday Parliamentary resignation After a regulator recommended that it be suspended from board of the Public (Low) by being found guilty of violating the Code of Conduct in two “serious” incidents of a sexual nature.

The Chester City Constituency Deputy has so far announced his resignation from his seat in a statement released “online”, noting that his decision was due to “publish a report” he found. ‘Guilty of sexual misconduct’ against an old fellow.


The document he is referring to is the report published today by an independent panel of experts – a parliamentary regulatory body – in which they recommended that he be suspended from the (lower) House of Commons. British Parliament for a period of “four weeks”.

And the newspaper revealed, that the accusations against the former deputy arose after he invited a former member of his team on a private trip to Gibraltar. Daily TelegraphIt was an invitation that was “sexually motivated and undesirable and put the complainant under pressure and intimidation,” according to the report.

During another business event held outside Parliament, Mathison He clasped her arms to her, made personal comments about her appearance by looking suggestively at her; he made her shake hands with her as she left and insisted that he take her to the bus stop, and as soon as she arrived, he invited her to his apartment, kissed her twice on her forehead and tried to kiss her on the mouth.

The panel of experts concluded that “these were unwanted and unwelcome sexual attempts”.

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Given this, the MP accused the report of being “excessive” and “unfair.”

“From the beginning, I accepted that I had committed a minor breach of the law, and was confident that an honest and open approach would put me in a fair position,” the politician explains in his press release. Resignation

He adds that “it wasn’t the case” and that he was “appalled” that he was “found guilty of several charges that I know are unconfirmed”.

In his statement, Mathison He also notes that the four-week sentence proposed by the said commission seemed to him an “unfair and excessive punishment”, which he was unable to appeal, and therefore he believes that the “honorable and right thing” now is to resign from his seat and seek to “rebuild” his life elsewhere.

(With information from EFE)

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