This was the last event in Fortnite Season 2

The end event From Fortnite season 2Call collision/Effectheld in the past Saturday 4 June 2022. In this news, we explain to you how this unique event is fortnite. Below we leave you all the weight information about it Event subordinate season 2 From Fortnite Chapter 3.

This was the last event in Fortnite Season 2

If you want to see the video of the event, it is located above. If you’d like to see a more detailed history and photos of the exact moments, keep reading. Event game mode was enabled at approximately 21:25 CEST on 06/04/2022. We came in to participate.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
event game mode

We’ve been waiting until 10:12 PM CEST inside the giant machine, listening to us conversations between the originAnd the Agent Jones s the foundation.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
The inner part of the mechanical

Before the event itself begins, to kill time (and exercise the controls), we can enter one of the four stations available and thus use the mech weapons to destroy the asteroids.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
A mini game with mechanical weapons killed time

at the time of the event, Sample To provide us with the task of briefing and motivating the troops.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
The form arrives to give us orders

After a mission briefing is given, an astonishing countdown sequencer shoots the mecha toward the island.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
All players are in their battle stations

Next, we drove to the appropriate island. On the way, we must destroy asteroids that can damage the robot.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
We launch mecha weapons to destroy asteroids

We get to the island in style, with a hero landing.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
The arrival of the mecha to the island

The goal is to reach collider He stopped the Doomsday Machine, but the imagined system created strong resistance across the island.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
The Imagined Order Defends The Collider And Involves Us

La Fortaleza’s engraving machine shoots a big laser at us, damaging the robot.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
The castle emits a huge laser beam that damages the robot

After composing ourselves, we help launch heart brokenHuge chest laser device.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
Mica launches “Heartbreaker”, a huge laser in his chest

Unfortunately, the mecha suffers serious damage, and everything seems lost…

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
The mecha has been under relentless attacks from the OI

…until banana He makes an appearance, as we bring in a SORBET truck which we throw over the mecha to get it back.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
Banana brings us a SORBET truck to renew the mechanical mechanism

Next, we close the space to The Collider, destroying the I/O forces in the process. However, when we reach the tower, we draw our sword, and when we are about to destroy the tower, several explosives sink us underground.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
We’re about to destroy The Collider, but the explosives around it cause the earth to collapse and swallow us up.

We meet at The Collider, along with Agent Jones and The Foundation. We walk to eliminate the OI guards who come our way.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
We attacked the foundations of the Collider by land

Zero point, the link between all facts, is overburdened. As we move through the grounds of The Collider, several emerge. Appears in one of them Darth Vader fighting Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
Darth Vader appeared in the last event of Fortnite Season 2 for a few seconds

In the last part of the tower, it was Dr. Sloan In Titan Tank. When all seemed lost, The Paradigm crushed and apparently killed her with a mech.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
The model eliminates Dr. Sloan mechanically.

One of the facts that Point Zero shows is a fact gene, the leader of the imagined system. Agent Jones and the Foundation jump to Ground Zero to pursue him.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
One of the facts that Point Zero shows is that of Geno, the leader of OI

Zero point is unstable and threatens to destroy everything; We must destroy the crystals that bind him to the collider to stop him.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live
We destroy scratch crystals

With reality saved, The Paradigm protects us from destabilizing Zero Point with the hands of the Mica. Meanwhile, the shot changes to Jones and The Foundation; The latter finally accepts Jones as his equal and comrade-in-arms.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live

The event ends here. To continue…in season 3 From Fortnite Chapter 3.

The impact of the collision of the second season of the second season live

When was the last event of Fortnite Season 2?

The final event of the second season of Fortnite Chapter 3 was Saturday 4 June 2022 at 10:00 PM CEST. These were equivalent dates and times in various Spanish-speaking countries:

  • Spain (Peninsula and Balearic Islands): 10:00 pm on Saturday 4th June.
  • Spain (Canary Islands): 9:00 pm on Saturday 4 June.
  • ArgentinaAnd the BrazilAnd the Chili pepper s Uruguay3:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 4th.
  • BoliviaAnd the CubaAnd the dominican republic s Venezuela2:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 4th.
  • EcuadorAnd the ColombiaAnd the MexicoAnd the Panama s Peru1:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 4th.
  • Costa RicaAnd the saviorAnd the GuatemalaAnd the HondurasAnd the Nicaragua12:00 noon on Saturday, June 4th.
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To log in to Fortnite on June 4, 2022 before event time (Check the tables above depending on your country), we are free The Loading screen All ready to run and the The inevitable effect of music.

How can you watch the latest event of Fortnite Season 2 live?

To watch the latest event of Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 live inside the game itself, We had to log into Fortnite at the set times depending on our region, and then choose the corresponding game mode. This brought us straight to the gameplay of the event.

We tell you all the news about the third season of Fortnite in Meristation, like what is New Battle Pass skins.

Line: Epic GamesFortnite Battle Royale, self-made

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