The UAE federation has re-enacted face-to-face practices in workshops and laboratories in 27 spaces

As of this month, students from 27 schools of Autonomous State University of Mexico have personally returned to implement practices in workshops and laboratoriesIt is expected to join the Faculty of Geography from May.

(Image: Pexels)

eAmong them, the School of Performing Arts, the School of Architecture and Design, Arts, Agricultural Sciences, Behavioral Sciences, Nursing and Midwifery, Humanities, engineering, veterinary medicine, animal sciences and the Faculty of Dentistry, according to information provided by the institution.

What’s more, University centers in Amicamica, Atlakumulco, Temascaltepec, Texcoco, Valle de Chalco, Zombango, and professional academic units in Akulman have also been added to these centers, Chimalhuacán, Cuautitlán Izcalli, and Tianguistenco, although all have fewer student groups.

State University detail it Among the schools with the largest number of groups that have unanimously resumed face-to-face activities, the most prominent are those that carry out workshop activities such as the College of Arts. With a total of 30 groups, the School of Performing Arts, with 15 and the College of Engineering, the same number.

There are also those that focus on the field of health sciences, such as the College of Nursing and Midwifery, with 16 groups, The College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences with 14 and the College of Dentistry with 5.

In each session, students are grouped into a maximum of 15 people. The number of attendees for each class is also determined by factors such as the physical capacity of each laboratory and / or workshop, and this is as reported by the institution.

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Significantly On March 16, the state government announced the resumption of face-to-face activities in workshops and laboratories in high schools and high schools in the Mexican state, That is, as long as there has been a consensus of teachers, students and parents of families.



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