The Pozuelo Programming and Robotics Competition stimulates the nation’s children to have an interest in science

  • The Programming, Robotics and Learning through Play initiative seeks to create synergies to encourage creativity and application of science among boys and girls from ages 8 to 12.
  • Pozuelo integrates strategic partners such as the Deputy Ministry of Youth, the Parque La Libertad Foundation, the Deputy Ministry of Peace, and Luvá, an expert in scientific education, to support the development of socially disadvantaged children.

The world is developing by leaps and bounds, many of the current jobs will need to reinvent themselves and innovate in the face of the technological advancements we are experiencing which makes the only constant change. In this context, Pozuelo decided to contribute to one of the fields most visionary for the intellectual development of children and youth today, which is “educational robots”, which seeks to create spaces for learning and development through the game medium and the development of technological expertise that enhance their skills.

Thus, under the name “TecnoGame Robits”, Pozuelo launched a robotics-based programming course that will include 400 boys and girls from across the country between the ages of eight and twelve. The idea is that participants have free access to training and coaching for a period of five days, during which they will receive the necessary rules to create an Arcade video game, including “Robits,” which consist of more than twenty “Robots” from the Pozuelo and Pozuelo Cream campaign. Cookies, they will be the heroes of the entertainment that the participating boys and girls should design.

An expert partner in robotics

To achieve its training purpose, Pozuelo Luvá has chosen as a strategic partner, an entity dedicated to promoting the so-called STEAM education (science, technology, engineering and mathematics, in its abbreviation in English), which takes as the basis of these disciplines of the exact sciences and strengthens the skills of children and youth through platforms designed specifically for virtual learning.

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“We know that boys and girls today will devote their working lives to jobs that we do not even know today. For this reason, learning the principles of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, art and programming is so important that at an early age, they become familiar with solving problems through games, robots and creative thinking, and this Exactly what we’re aiming at driving Robits’ initiative, ”explains Marcela Sandoval, Pozuelo Brand Manager.

Boys and girls participating in the free tournament will have at least four days of virtual learning to present their final projects in a process that will receive professional support as they develop. The result of the competition will be the election of the ten finalists with the best performances.

Strategic allies

For Pozzuelo, the primary purpose of promoting this initiative is to provide opportunities for the country’s children, especially those facing conditions greater than social vulnerability. For this reason, key partners such as the Deputy Ministry of Youth, the Deputy Ministry of Peace and the Parque la Libertad Foundation, who are starting with the vision of providing developmental spaces for socially disadvantaged boys and girls that allow access to technological and digital communication tools are not affordable.

Extra incentive for boys and girls

Pozuelo knows that eye-catching attracts the attention of a younger audience more successfully. As a result, as part of its attraction strategy, the company has developed a set of 23 stickers called “Robits”, which can be found in the packaging of Pozuelo Cream Biscuits, one of the country’s favorite products.

In parallel with the deployment of the robotic characters, a series of educational videos about “Robits” have also been developed, which will be posted on Mundo Pozuelo’s YouTube channel as well as the Pozuelo cookie network.

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Fundación Parque la Libertad will have an exclusive share of the population it serves within the selection of the participants for their search for inclusion and generating opportunities for communities in the cantons of Desambarados, Corridas and La Union, providing opportunities for technological education, development, culture and socialization as tools to promote a culture of peace in the country.

The competition is open and free for all family members

Registration for the tournament begins on January 19 and the form of participation is through an open invitation whose dynamics are simple; Interested girls and boys should get in Fill out the form, in this way they will be registered and they will be able to access the contributions made by Luvá Organization to enhance science learning.

Participants in the open call will be able to participate in the free tournament organized by Pozuelo with Luvá, where they will gain a level in robotics and programming, and they will have access to information to participate in the event for a period of 5 days, starting from February 1 and ending on the fifth of the same month, they will get A specific degree challenge will determine the choice of winners.

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