The Little-Known Trick to Free Up Space in Gmail – Teach Me About Science

Do you have too many emails in your Gmail? Don’t know what to do to free up space quickly? Note that here we tell you how to do it.

Email is one of the most efficient tools today, here we can access or share very relevant information in both business, educational and even personal areas.

This > according to Experts.

We know that there are different ways to create and access an account, but this time we will focus on Gmail.

Gmail is an email app with tools and features that let you take action on messages, connect with people, organize your received messages, and stay on top of what’s important—all securely.shown on the portal Google.

Now, it is clear that email is specifically for that, so that we receive important emails or those that we want to receive, however, we must keep in mind that it can also store a lot of information and if you are one of the people who do not like to struggle with free space, so here we tell you how you can free up that space in a simple way.

This way you can delete emails without any hassle.

For the above, there are different ways to delete emails more easily and free up space.

The first trick is to filter the messages by the number of megabytes they occupy, that is, you will see the relatively “heavy” emails and here you can start deleting all the messages that take up more space.

Image credit: Your Expert

Filtering messages by date is another option that should allow you to delete messages that are years old, but you obviously don’t need them anymore. This way you can also identify messages that you no longer need and start deleting them.

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Although emails are usually sent with attachments, you can also send emails that contain only writing (message), but the latter do not take up as much space as those with attachments, so, you can also choose to delete all emails that contain attached files.

For any of the above three options, all you have to do is log in to your email account and on the top right side, select the “Search Email” option and it will show you how you want to filter the messages.

Now you know how you can easily delete your emails, thus freeing up space in your email.

Remember that email is almost an essential tool to be able to get any important document quickly and efficiently.

Last but not least, this and any other request must be treated with full responsibility, as the information circulated here is personal and private.

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