The Government of Venezuela rejects the UK’s “interference” in its internal affairs

Caracas, June 21 (Sputnik).- The Venezuelan government rejected the United Kingdom’s “interference” in its internal affairs, after it sent letters to the Caracas diplomatic mission in London questioning the political processes in this South American country.

“Venezuela expresses its absolute rejection of the messages sent, in an impudent and arrogant manner, by the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in retreat, to our diplomatic mission in London, in a new and vulgar practice of interference and pretensions,” the statement issued by Foreign Minister Ivan Gill said. Neo-colonialism, daring to question the internal operations of a sovereign state and aligning itself with a criminal and extremist political class subservient to imperialist interests.”

The minister did not provide further details about the content of the messages received by his country’s diplomats.

However, he noted that “the UK and Northern Ireland’s support for the Venezuelan far right is a wake-up call to the demands of these groups, which have put the country at risk, allied themselves with foreign powers, handed over assets such as gold held in the Bank of England and promoted illegal sanctions and legal action against Its people.

Likewise, he expressed that under no circumstances would he allow the “expropriation” of Guiana Esquipa to be committed.

The document highlights that “the will of the Venezuelan people, expressed unanimously in the constitutional referendum held on December 3, 2023, is a mandate that ratifies the independence and sovereignty of the country.”

In this regard, Venezuela called on the United Kingdom to stop its “insolent” position regarding Guiana Esquipa.

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On repeated occasions, President Nicolas Maduro has accused the Guyana government of acting under the mandate of the United Kingdom and the United States to strip his country of Essequibo territory.

For more than 100 years, Venezuela and Guyana have been in dispute over sovereignty over the region, which covers about 160,000 square kilometers west of the Essequibo River and has significant oil reserves.

In 1966, the two countries signed an agreement to seek a peaceful solution to this dispute, but in 2018 Guyana filed a lawsuit before the International Court of Justice, asking the court to legally verify the validity of the 1899 arbitration award that gives it absolute control over the dispute. province. (Sputnik)

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