The Cuban Foreign Minister condemns the massacre committed by the Israeli army in the Nuseirat refugee camp › Cuba › Granma

Politburo member and Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Barela condemned it The massacre carried out by the Israeli occupation army in the Nuseirat refugee camp, in the Gaza Strip, killing at least 274 Palestinians.

The Cuban Foreign Minister said on his Twitter account: “We condemn in the strongest terms the massacre committed by the Israeli army in the Nuseirat refugee camp in Gaza, which is further evidence of the genocide that Israel is committing with impunity against the Palestinian people.” X.

Al Jazeera reported that Zionist forces also destroyed a house in the city of Al-Daraj in Gaza, and carried out an artillery attack on the towns of Al-Zaytoun and Sabra, among other actions.

Prensa Latina adds that since the start of the Israeli bombing on the aforementioned coastal strip on October 7, more than 36,600 people have lost their lives, including 15,000 minors, while tens of thousands of buildings, schools, hospitals, and United Nations offices have been destroyed. Destroyed.

BL said that on at least three occasions, the United States has vetoed resolutions submitted to the UN Security Council to agree to a cessation of hostilities in Gaza, where Israel claims it is acting against the armed wing of the resistance movement Hamas.

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