The best medicine for the well-being of the students

School nursing, which ensures health in any school, is gaining prominence. It not only takes care of students, but also promotes healthy habits in hygiene and Covid-19 prevention measures, and of course, pays special attention to diseases such as diabetes, influenza, allergies or asthma.

Natividad Lopez, President National and International Association for School Nursing (AMECE), He explains the distribution in Spain: «The number of school nurses varies greatly depending on the Autonomous Communities (CCAA.). In Madrid there are nearly 900 between Public, private and subsidized schoolsRegular and special education. In other CCAAs there are only nurses in some public schools and special education schools. And there is interest in the appointments set in some regular centers for students with chronic complications – she confirms -. This past January, in a Canary Island community, 20 nurses landed in schools through a pilot project that we hope will continue.

Value Added

School nurses provide added value, because students, their families and teachers are calmer. “Schools with nurses are in great demand, they favor work-life balance for parents and reduce absenteeism,” says Natividad López.

Lucia Herrero, Educational Director of Chesterton College, example jobs: «When you arrive in the morning, this professional checks out the menus for the day, paying particular attention to intolerant students and those with allergies. check emails for families, Go to the chapter to continue Of the students who became ill or received some kind of treatment, there were no reported children and reasons for evaluating whether to act in any specific way.”

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«In addition, – adds Herrero – they take care of minors who are chronically ill or need health all day long. He also goes to the dining room so that the service takes place without incident and, if anything, to act At full speed».

Treatment of the condition includes minor incidents such as headache, stomachache, fever… to less minor incidents, such as falls and fractures; And serious, such as asthma attacks, epilepsy, anaphylactic shock, suffocation, head trauma, and cardiorespiratory arrest.

“A school nurse can triple the interventions of a health center,” says Jesús Ruiz, CEO of School Nurses, explaining that “there is no specific school nursing training in Spain. What has happened is a boom in courses, masters and postgraduate courses. Although they are not compulsory However, it must be evaluated upon recruitment.

There is no specific legislation

In our country, there is no legislation regulating this profession in the school, which causes a legal and regulatory vacuum that the education departments are affiliated with different independent communities Trying to mitigate Intrusion is one of the problems facing the sector. “Recently, a gardening company created a supposed medical service, from a person who came twice a week and was an assistant, who was also given the task of prevention,” Ruiz denounces.

The executive director of the school nurse laments the lack of political commitment: “Where there is a rule, opposites endorse it, and vice versa. They don’t get along, and they usually just do what I call it Morcian model. It is the setting of a nurse walking in schools. He concludes, “This should not be considered school nursing.”

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