The American Security Agency confirms the number of times we should turn off the iPhone, and these are the reasons

Why is it recommended to turn off the iPhone from time to time and what do we achieve by doing so

Yes, turning off your iPhone from time to time is okay. It doesn’t mean that our lives should depend on it, but the fact is that there are other things Compelling reasons to do so. In fact, it is recommended by all kinds of experts, including The National Security Agency itselfwhich is the English abbreviation for the US National Security Agency.

They recommend turning it off every week, and while that’s not really bad advice, it may not be necessary either. the important is We understand why we have to restart iPhone from time to time And what could happen if you don’t.

You should restart your iPhone every week, although this is relative…

In fact, the NSA recommends rebooting any smartphone at least once a week. but, Nothing happens if you don’t. Your iPhone won’t crash, nor will it miraculously be fixed by doing this if problems occur. The issue is deeper than that.

iPhones, like any other device, are constantly running dozens of processes in the background. This means that even if it’s blocked or you’re only using one app, there are several software elements running in the background to ensure everything runs well.

The problem is Sometimes these processes malfunction and can cause problems Such as device slowdown, inability to open applications, and even high temperature, which leads to increased battery consumption. There may be some failures that appear to be hardware, such as problems hearing sound from the speakers and the like. This doesn’t mean it’s a frequent occurrence, but it can happen.

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Hence, experts often recommend turning your iPhone off and on when it encounters a problem. Far from being a classic joke about computer scientists, it makes perfect sense to do so. At the end of the day it is The way we can restart all processesstop those that are frozen and/or causing performance problems.

Obviously, if the problem persists, it is possible that this was not the original. Other options will come in there, like formatting the entire iPhone and even going through technical service to check if the internal part is faulty.

What happens if you don’t restart your iPhone frequently

Nothing can happen. In the end, iOS is a system ready to manage all those background processes. These potential conflicts will in no way lead to major problems. However, it is still recommended to restart it from time to time.

The recommendation to do this once a week is not bad. In fact, we also recommend applying it. but, It’s not a matter of obsessing over it either.. If you forget that a week, eight, or even ten days have passed instead of seven, nothing will happen to your iPhone.

it’s more, There are times when the iPhone restarts itself. You may have found one day that you were going to unlock it and it turned out to be asking for the security code as if it had just been turned on. In the vast majority of cases, this is not a system failure, but rather the product of a security system through which the iPhone decides to turn itself off to restart processes.

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