Strengthening the Ministry of Social Welfare to take care of people with disabilities in vulnerable situations

In order to ensure that more Tlaxcalans are aware of and have access to the benefits of programs promoted by the State Government to improve the quality of life of vulnerable people with disabilities, the State Social Welfare Secretariat promotes the attention given to this program. population sector.

And through the Citizen Service Office set up in the Directorate of Comprehensive Welfare of the State Agency, located in the municipality of Apizaco, the process is accelerated so that Tlaxcalan families benefit from the social programs established by the Secretariat of Welfare.

In this space, users know in detail the process to be a beneficiary, as well as the requirements and scope of strategies for providing functional aids, pensions for the well-being of people with permanent disabilities, as well as physiotherapy, rehabilitation services, psychology and equine therapy.

Through these actions, the Ministry of Welfare seeks to improve the living conditions of Tlaxcal residents living with disabilities to contribute to their independence, social inclusion and support for their families.

The Functional Aid Delivery Program distributes free wheelchairs to adults and children with cerebral palsy, crutches for the blind, aluminum walkers, crutches, anti-decubitus mattresses and pillows, children’s orthopedic insoles, diapers and prostheses, among other items.

The Pension Program for the Welfare of Persons with Permanent Disabilities gives bimonthly economic support of 2,950 pesos to support Tlaxcalans from 30 to 64 years of age.

Similarly, comprehensive and quality treatment and rehabilitation services such as electrotherapy, mechanotherapy, and a sensory room are provided that focus on achieving the physical well-being of people with temporary or permanent disabilities in situations of poverty or vulnerability.

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People can also access a psychology service, where they learn effective ways to solve, confront and manage situations that cause them stress and anxiety.

In addition, there are alternative therapies such as equine therapy that uses the horse as a facilitator in the therapeutic intervention and motivates the patient to improve aspects of the therapy directed through the psychological domain.

Persons interested in receiving the benefits of these programs can go directly to the Directorate of Comprehensive Welfare, located at Bolivar 16 de Septembre, No., Colonia El Carmen, in Apizaco, or call 241131976 to request more information.

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