SEP and UABCS lawmakers urge a medical career at BCS

Before the plenary session of the 16th Legislature, Labor Party (PT) Rep. Ismael Rodríguez Peña presented a point of agreement to urge the state government, the Department of Public Education (SEP) and the Autonomous University of Baja Southern California (UABCS) to take the necessary steps so that the entity will finally have a medical profession .

Whether through agreements with public or private universities in the country that have recognized their position in this field in their educational offerings, the aim is to establish a higher study plan in Baja California Sur.


The lawmaker said that Federal Ministry of Health data indicate that in 2022, the center of the island recorded a deficit in the number of certified specialist doctors and certified general practitioners.

He stressed, for explanatory reasons, that the international recommendation is for the rate to be 230 doctors per 100,000 people, but at the time of the census the region registered only 61 in the two branches, which means a deficit of 169 professionals in the field. health.

In addition, he recalled the emergency scenario that arose due to the crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, in which the failure of the health system and hospitals in Mexico and the world was exposed.


“Care capacity was overburdened due to inadequate infrastructure and a shortage of health workers,” he added.

The country lacks universities that allow young people to pursue higher education in the field of medicine, which is why families must make greater financial efforts to send their sons and daughters elsewhere.

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At this time there are only high schools and graduate schools that offer a nursing degree.

Representative Ida Palacios Márquez supported Rodriguez Peña’s request for an injunction, recalling that it is a long-standing demand of parents in Southern California.

He confirmed that there had previously been a request from the state Congress, requesting that the medical degree be taught at the UABCS campus in Cabo San Lucas, as it is the city with the largest population and demand.

“Regardless of residence, it is important and necessary to already have a medical certificate in the entity,” agreed Ida Palacios.

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