Science Fair: Pick the 50 Projects That Will Represent San Luis

From November 29 to December 3, the national session will be held.

This Friday, more than 200 teachers from all school districts participated in the evaluation committee, which culminated in the selection of 50 projects that will represent St. Louis on the national stage of the science fair.

The Minister of Education, Andres Dermishkov, participated in the conference held at School No. 24 “Pancha Hernandez”, who highlighted the attendance of the meeting and thanked the teachers for their commitment and work together, after visiting the different classrooms and speaking to all the appraisers.

For her part, Sonia Suárez, Founding Director and Regional Coordinator of the Science Fair, praised the work done by the students and teachers, as well as the organization of the event that started at 9:00 and ended around 20:00.

The Ministry of Education appreciates the participation and highlights the tremendous effort each student and teacher has put into work and the ability to deliver a project, especially considering the context of the pandemic.

The projects that will represent us belong to the following schools:

  • EXPERIENCE LIGHTS AND COLORS – ENI Nº4 “Rosario Vera Peñaloza”
  • Compost: No waste in nature – CE Nº6 “Undersecretary Carlos Sadok San Martin”
  • We take care of Native Forest – EPA Nº12 “Manuel García Ferré”
  • Fotogracias – EPA Nº11 “Carlos Juan Rodriguez”
  • The power of hands – CE Nº18 “César Rosales”
  • San Luis Aromas – EPA Nº3 “Mother Teresa of Calcutta”
  • Bioplastics to the Rescue – EPD No. 1 “Albert Einstein”
  • Flavors that attract attention – School No. 24 “Pancha Hernandez”
  • Cultivable cards. Mixtures That Take Care – School Nº37 “Juan Bautista Alberde”
  • Neither them nor us – School Nº320 “Nicolás Avellaneda”
  • The Legacy of San Luis – CE Nº17 “Hipólito Yrigoyen”
  • Chin Strap Environmental Impact – School No. 398 “Justo Daract”
  • Reubot – GEA Generative School
  • Verde Esperanza – CE Nº18 “Cesar Rosales”
  • This is how I feel – School Nº357 “Máximo Camargo”
  • Cultural Rainbow – EPA Nº13 “Esther del Rosario Guevara”
  • See How I Tell You – EPA Nº11 “Dr. Carlos Juan Rodriguez”
  • Bobbitt also goes to school – School No. 398 “Justo Daract”
  • Autuzzles Puntanos – EPD Nº1 “Albert Einstein”
  • Free Birds of San Luis – EPA Nº17 “Polo Godoy Rojo”
  • Phenotypic characteristics of the cross between Scrofa (wild boar) and Scrofa dominius (domestic pig) and how they affect the production of pigs – Technical School No. 6 “General San Martin”
  • No bad gases! Obstetrical School “Leonor M. Hirsch de Carabalo”
  • For nonviolent love, lifelong learning – Nº213 School “Maestros Sanluiseños”
  • Emogidemia – “Ave Fénix” obstetric school
  • Splendor of the Planet – School No. 326 “Engineer Jorge Newbery”
  • Put it to circulate: thermal fusion. We know a new environmental alternative: the circular economy – GEA Generative School
  • Heroes of Change – EPD Nº1 “Albert Einstein”
  • Movete mano movete – EPA Nº11 “Dr. Carlos Juan Rodriguez”
  • Gender change and sport – EPA Nº3 “Mother Teresa of Calcutta”
  • “Covid Cleaner” – EPBD “Mahatma Gandhi”
  • I’ll take care of her – Luis Bernardo Lusquinos Obstetric School
  • Saving lives in the context of an epidemic – School No. 223 “Granadero Juan Manuel Pringles”
  • I take care of you – School Nº35 “Granadero Basilio Bustos”
  • More love, less bullying – School No. 27 “Dr. Elodoro Lobos”
  • Whisper – Technical School No. 25 “Sculptor AM Nevot”
  • Measurement – School No. 149 “Manuel Lines”
  • La Huerta Organica – School No. 3 “Manuel Belgrano”
  • Top Mega – Technical School Nº31 “A. Victor Sa”
  • Between sunrise and sunset – Technical School Nº30 “Frigate President Sarmiento”
  • Super Yoghurt – Technical School No. 4 “Fray Luis Beltrán”
  • Institutional Survey of Energy Diagnostics – Technical School No. 37 “Ing. GA Lallemant”
  • That Labbab – Technical School Nº37 “Ing. G.A. Allemant
  • Roomba robot with automatic maps – Technical School Nº4 “Fray Luis Beltrán”
  • Fungi invasion in school – Technical School Nº4 “Fray-Louis Beltran”
  • Reuse of containers with taps – Technical School Nº19 “Bernardino Rivadavia”
  • La Toma en su Sitio – Escuela Técnica Nº28 “Gral. Juan Martin de Boeredon”
  • Mixer Jzb – Technical School Nº31 “Prof. Victor Sa
  • Portable stool for goat semen extraction – Technical School Nº31 Victor Sa”
  • Precision-controlled ultrasonic lifting system – Technical School Nº4 “Fray-Louis Beltran”
  • RISAIKURÚ????? The benefits of waste separation – Technical School No. 37 “Germán Avé Lallemant”.
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Note and photo: Click on the Ministry of Education.

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