Chapingo University Call: dates and how to register

Registration will be open until March 31, 2022 (Photo: Chapingu Independent University)

The Chapingu Independent University Announced her invitation for admission to high school A Degree or engineering.

Its study plans address two high school programs: preparatory and preparatory; At the top level it has an academic offer 27 races; At the postgraduate level Holds 14 master’s degrees And the 12 PhD. University dedicated to ResearchTeaching, service and dissemination of culture, is a public institution for this reason Education is free.

Undergraduate and engineering programs are validated by the Mexican Commission for Accreditation in Agricultural Sciences (COMEAAand the National Council for Science and Technologycommunication).

Chapingo University was founded on February 22, 1854 in the former convent of San Jacinto, Mexico City and later founded at its present location in Texcoco, Mexico (Photo: Instagram/@MiguelAlbertoMartinez)
Chapingo University was founded on February 22, 1854 in the former convent of San Jacinto, Mexico City and later founded at its present location in Texcoco, Mexico (Photo: Instagram/@MiguelAlbertoMartinez)

For the 2022 selection process, applicants can prepare using Objective and practical evidence Available on the university’s page, there are topics that will be assessed in the exam, as well as the characteristics and structure of the questions.

How to register to study at Chapingo University?

* The applicant must enter the link to make your account.

* Then you have to log in with a profile user name And the The password.

* Later, Complete the request with the data requested by the system,

* At the end, choose File Campus Where the applicant will take the exam and Print your registration form.

* What are the dates to consider for the selection process?

* The Registration of applicants It started on February 1st and will be activated until March 31, 2022And the

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* The app for Exam It will be on Saturday May 31 at the place chosen by the applicant.

* The publish results It will be through the applicants page on the day June 26.

* Those who are selected must Sign Up Monday From June 27 to July 22.

* The Beginning of seasons will be the June 25.

Academic units and professions that can be studied at the university:

* Agricultural Parasitology Department:

* Engineer or agronomist specializing in agricultural parasitology.

* Department of Rural Sociology:

Applicants will be able to know the results of the selection on June 26 (Photo: Universidad de Chapingo)
Applicants will be able to know the results of the selection on June 26 (Photo: Universidad de Chapingo)

* Agricultural engineer specialized in rural sociology, Soil Department.

* Agricultural engineer specializing in soil.

* Renewable Natural Resources Engineering, Department of Animal Sciences.

* Specialist in agricultural engineering in animal husbandry.

* at headquarters Department of Administrative Economics He knew:

* Bachelor’s degree in Economics

* Bachelor of Business Administration.

* Bachelor’s degree in International Business Administration

* Engineering in Agricultural Economics, Forestry Sciences Division

* Forest restoration engineering. • Forest Engineering

* Industrial forest engineering.

* Bachelor’s degree in Statistics

* at Department of Agroecology:

* Engineering in agroecology

* Agricultural Industries Department:

* agricultural engineering.

* Agricultural Mechanical Engineering Department:

* Agricultural mechanical engineering.

Those interested in pursuing higher education can take the preparatory course or complete another two-year career (Photo: University of Guadalajara)
Those interested in pursuing higher education can take the preparatory course or complete another two-year career (Photo: University of Guadalajara)

* Agricultural Mechatronics Engineering, Irrigation Department.

* Department of Irrigation Engineering with Plant Techniques.

* Degree in Agricultural Engineering in Protected Horticulture.

* Agricultural engineering specialist in plant techniques.

In case the applicants have any questions about the registration process, the university has enabled Direct phone number 800503 47 74 or to the switchboard 59 59 52 15 00 extensions 16 77, 78 06, 62 48 and by email [email protected].

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