Ranking of the best and worst paid jobs | Study until…

Lawyer, criminology, pharmacy, engineering, law and economics make up the top 20 of The best paying jobs in Argentina. In the Another extreme Located Archeology, dermatology, psychology, physics, music, sociology, veterinary medicine and nutrition. The highest salaries are those observed in the provinces of Patagonia, while the lowest correspond to the northwestern and northeastern provinces.

The data comes from our most recent college salary and careers report Studies Center for Production XXI (CEP) of the Ministry of Productive Development. Its authors crossed the data on university graduates between 2016 and 2018 with information on official jobs from the Argentine Integrated Social Security System (SIPA).

at the macro level, Higher salaries in line with the social sciences To include jobs such as law, economics, accounting, administration and some pay in particular such as lawyer and criminologist. Then applied science, which includes engineering, which ranks 11 out of 20 with the best pay, and allied professions industrial field.

Specifically, the attorney general receives compensation that is 44 percent more than the average salary; Criminology 37%; Pharmaceuticals (35 percent), marine engineering (33 percent) and petroleum engineering (30 percent).

On the other hand, the lowest paying majors are archeology (61% below average salary), astronomy (47%), physics (28%), arts (26%), and psychology (19%).

The results of the report indicate that The largest gender gaps are observed in applied sciences and social sciences, while there are minor gaps in the health sciences and humanities. According to the report, there is no evidence in basic science that men are paid more than women.

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Student Profile

The CEP XXI Report ensures that 74% of those who graduated studied in the public system. 40 percent graduate from one of the country’s top five public universities: UBA, Rosario National University, National University of Córdoba, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, and the National Technical University. UBA and UNLP focus on 20 percent of all graduates, in line with the fact that 46 percent of individuals work in the Buenos Aires Capital Region (AMBA), according to SIPA data.

The 43 percent of graduates were in the social sciencesMainly because this branch includes most of the professions in law and economics that have great traditions in the country. Other fields included in this branch, though of less weight, are sociology, social work, political science, social communication, and tourism. The second most important branch is applied sciences (23 percent), and it includes all engineering, as well as architecture and various professions related to the industrial field (in particular, the fields of industrial security and food technology).

Health sciences, shaped primarily by careers in medicine, paramedics, dentistry, and veterinary medicine, comprises 17 percent of those who graduate; while 14 percent are grouped into humanities majors, a relatively broad category in which education, psychology, literature, and the arts feature as major disciplines.

Finally, the Basic Sciences branch has only 2 percent of graduates, spread across just four majors: Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry.

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