Medical trainees return to the Sierra Tarahumara

Interns from the College of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences have returned to provide their social services to the Sierra Tarahumara, a total of 120 students are part of the promotion from February 2021 to January 2022, of those 30 will be in clinics and hospitals serving the most at-risk population in the mountainous region.

Dr. Luis Carlos Hinojos Gallardo, director of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Autonomous University of Chihuahua (UACh), reported that they went on a tour to verify students’ status in order to prevent them from becoming victims of a crime, as happened in Chiapas, where a student was killed.

In the promotion from August 2020 to July 2021, only 13 students in the mountainous region were accommodated in places of the Mexican Institute of Social Security for Social Security, as the Ministry of Health and the Mexican Institute of Social Security helped remove trainees from high-risk areas.

In this new promotion, the Ministry of Health has opened places for the mountain region, as well as Imss Bienestar, in these new places medical trainees will provide their services to the most vulnerable residents.

Among the municipalities in which the places have opened are: Gómez Farias, Madeira, Nonova, Guadalupe, Calvo, Guachocchi, Puquina, Carrice, and others.

On the tour conducted this weekend, they were able to verify that students are happy, safe and have the supplies to work.

With information from Vinca Rivas | Herald Chihuahua

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