Lula appeals the decision to ban assets in Brazil

Brasilia-. The defense of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva today resumed a court ruling that kept the assets of the former Brazilian president in the operations of Operation Lava Gatto being frozen for sending to the Federal District (DF).

Judge Luiz Antonio Bonat of the 13th Federal Criminal Court for the southern city of Curitiba sent two cases against Lula to the federal judge at the Ministry of Defense on March 16, but maintained the ban on access to the former labor leader’s assets.

The referral of the cases to Brasilia was due to the decision of Secretary Edson Fashin, of the Supreme Federal Court (STF), who overturned Lula’s judgments and restored his political rights.

However, former judge Sergio Moro’s successor kept the property of the former metal leader’s siege on the grounds that Fascin had only overruled the rulings on criminal procedure.

In this regard, the reasons for the tripartite apartment in Guarujá, the Atibaia farm, and the donations to the Lula Institute are shown.

Lawyers for the Labor founder have petitioned for temporary protection to overturn the Bonat procedure.

They say he could not maintain the blockade, because the Supreme Court had demonstrated the inefficiency of the Paraná judge in prosecuting the former ruler.

It also requires that all access to punishable acts be sent to DF.

On March 19, Fachin requested information from the judiciary in Curitiba and decided to send the files to the Office of the Public Prosecutor of the Republic for submission prior to the ruling on constitutional protection.

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The annulment came in response to a habeas corpus request filed by Lula’s defense on November 3.

With the ruling of the STF, the operations will be handed over and analyzed by another judicial authority in the DF that will determine the correctness of their movements.

In addition, in the writ of habeas corpus, Fachin revoked the receipt of the charges brought by the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office against the former head of state.

In this way, the new judge will analyze whether the former president should be tried in the cases.

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