“I cried myself to sleep,” the genius invented Ethereum because they set his WoW character on fire

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The world of blockchain has given a lot to talk about in recent months. From the promises of the technological revolution, to the fear of its potential environmental impact, they have dominated the debate on this topic. Whatever your situation, you can’t deny that it’s an interesting topic, so you’ve definitely wondered about the origins of some cryptocurrencies. It is strange that Ethereum, the currency that is the basis of NFTs, is in the world of cans.

The thing is, Vitálik Buterin, a Russian programmer best known for being the co-founder of Ethereum and considered a genius in the crypto world, invented Ethereum in response to something Blizzard did. He himself admitted it in the mini-biography he wrote for his profile About Me.

But what the hell happened? What happens is that for more than 3 years he has been an avid player world of cansBut something damaged his relationship with Blizzard. It just so happened that one day they cast a spell on his witch which made him realize how terrible Central Services were.

“I was happy to play World of Warcraft between 2007 and 2010, but one day Blizzard removed the damage element from the Suck Life spell cast by the dear wizard. I cried until I fell asleep and one day realized the horror that decentralized services can cause. I quickly decided to quit” Buterin Books.

Of course, that wasn’t the only factor that pushed him into programming Ethereum. We say that because he was also influenced by the discovery of Bitcoin in 2011 and devoted more than 30 hours a week to various projects related to the cryptocurrency world. There’s also the fact that he felt that many people in this world were worried that certain apps weren’t generic enough. The latter was the final nail that drove the development of Ethereum.

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What do you think of this new? Is there something in the gaming world that inspired you to create something that would make a difference in your life?

Continued this link To see more news related to the world of cryptocurrency. Secondly, Here You’ll find all our coverage of World of Warcraft.

Related video: What are NFTs and why is everyone losing their minds because of them?


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